Slade is
15 years ago
having brunch with Jen and the kids at the Chocolate Kiss then its Avatar at IMAX.
latest #6
Shey says
15 years ago
(wave) nice to see you last night
NKY ✅ says
15 years ago
woohoo! Avatar! (banana_rock)
★ jovan ☆ says
15 years ago
is scotty IMAX-ing too? :-))
Slade says
15 years ago
starshuffler - No.Scotty is watching on the LCD at home.
Slade says
15 years ago
coffeegirl1700 - great to see you and CJ too. I hope you two managed to squeeze in some sexy time.. (LOL)
Shey says
15 years ago
defiantcapt: hahahaha we tried to, but no luck (LOL)
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