NicholasChua says
14 years ago
i love Washington apple... (mmm)
latest #13
hebbe says
14 years ago
I want !!
NicholasChua says
14 years ago
you can get that in jusco ... i love it bcoz its looks very beatiful,like fake apple ... and taste good ...
hebbe says
14 years ago
... I thought u will give me one...
NicholasChua says
14 years ago
sure i will give you if you want ... haha (LOL)
hebbe says
14 years ago
i want , sure i want , if u willing to give me... hehe !
NicholasChua says
14 years ago
haha ... but i think you not dare to take the aaple with me if i willing and bring it to company ... (tongue)
hebbe says
14 years ago
u can bring it to my my working plc... hehe ! For sure i dare not step into your shop!
NicholasChua says
14 years ago
hey ... why im the one who bring it to you???you take from me la!!no need to step into my shop de..juz ask me to bring out to you will do...
hebbe says
14 years ago
*pai seh* hehe...
NicholasChua says
14 years ago
haha ... honestly ... im pai seh too ... (LOL)
hebbe says
14 years ago
NicholasChua says
14 years ago
i ask justin to bring it for you next time ... he is more familiar with you all ...
hebbe says
14 years ago
hahaha! ok lo... hahaha
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