JoAnnW says
14 years ago
Good morning. TGIF. Leaving for Florida on Sunday. Can't wait.
latest #11
CommanderCody says
14 years ago
Sounds like fun! Take your parka!
JoAnnW says
14 years ago
What's a parka?
DavidInArk says
14 years ago
It's the music people in the NE listen to: (music) "parka, parka.. parka, parka" (music)
coke! says
14 years ago
coming home on sunday.. dang it
DavidInArk says
14 years ago
Or perhaps what the mob does with his car: "You parka dis ova dere, capice?"
DavidInArk says
14 years ago
(mob boss does (doh))
KimberlyW says
14 years ago
morning...what a great trip!
JoAnnW says
14 years ago
brina1300 says
14 years ago
we are having some good weather for you! Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow but not on Sunday. Where are you headed?
JoAnnW says
14 years ago
Port St. Lucie. Good weather sounds wonderful; however, I will be in class from 10am - 5pm. :'-(
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