misscharlen3 feels
14 years ago
sOoooO sleepy...but still have to date with the Act :-(
latest #9
SungNung says
14 years ago
cum i help u date...haha
misscharlen3 says
14 years ago
realli ?so good...then u date v it and i go date v mr chow har..
SungNung says
14 years ago
mr chow? who lai de
misscharlen3 says
14 years ago
haha..周公lorr...noob lorr u :-P
SungNung says
14 years ago
walao u bcum so chim liao lor.. haha..need to think twice to understand ur word..haha...go study la stil mr chow
misscharlen3 says
14 years ago
haha..im not chim laa...just u shallow..keke..jkjk...
misscharlen3 says
14 years ago
i scare mr chow miss me too much mah..lolx...later he misunderstand i got new target dun wan him ady how ?
SungNung says
14 years ago
haha yuan lai u ardy so deep in love wid mr chow liao ar..
misscharlen3 says
14 years ago
yes i am :-))i LOVE him since im born~haha..yuck, geli laa say like that :-&
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