Yayche says
14 years ago
that skiing hurts but its kinda fun :S
latest #12
islandbaby says
14 years ago
oh cool!! you went skiing!! was it your first time? skiing is fun!! (dance)
gevinci likes
14 years ago
skiing! (banana_rock)
14 years ago
vows *not* to be one of those moms sitting inside the chalet drinking a hot drink while the rest of the fam skis outside
Chars says
14 years ago
i don't mind being in a spa while they do the outdoors stuff
cjcg_a says
14 years ago
charmymay - nah, i have my heart set on actually doing the activity with the kidlets be it skiing or skating or whatever
islandbaby says
14 years ago
(rock) to cjcg_a
gevinci says
14 years ago
a Thule ski rack would look good on your Roadtrek cjcg_a
islandbaby says
14 years ago
Chars says
14 years ago
oh if it's skating or tubing count me in!
gevinci says
14 years ago
hey charmymay most of the ski areas around here having tubing parks.
Chars says
14 years ago
Chars says
14 years ago
see, i can do that!
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