_Pastaaa asks
14 years ago
...Ve? =7=
latest #315
Prussia is
14 years ago
still female and currently napping* ....zzz..zz...
14 years ago
! *sneaks up to you, curious to know who this gorgeous woman was and stares at yiour sleeping face* ve...
14 years ago
*Eyebrow twitches as she unconsciously feels that someone is disturbing her nap, and opens her eyes* Mm...? Ah! *Startled, she moves back --
14 years ago
--and bangs her head on the tree she was resting again* Ah! Owww! Fuck!
14 years ago
Ah! *looks guilty as he scoots closer to you again and touches your head* So sorry, bella! ;A; I didn't mean to disturb your sleep!
14 years ago
*Grumbles and pushes the offender's hands away from her, irritated* Fuckin' hell, ya don't sneak up on me perv- *Pauses when she recognises-
14 years ago
-you* F-Feli? You startled me!
14 years ago
*stares at you and sees your Gilly features*....Gilbert...? Ve....
14 years ago
Ja! *Smiles then remembers her appearance* Ah...I, I ran into Ukraine with her pitchfork. *rubs the back of her head sheepishly, and winces*
14 years ago
*looks down at the rest of your body*.....ve...you have a nic-- *sees your whincing and worries* are you okay?!
14 years ago
Yeah, I just banged my head *pouts cutely*
14 years ago
*And of course, his Italian charms for pretty girls is rising and he smiles sweetly at Gilly* But, shouldn't I take you to the hospital?
14 years ago
*Blinks* Hospital? It's not that bad.
14 years ago
If you're sure....*scoots closer to sit next to you*
14 years ago
*Is oblivious to your charm* Mm, yeah, so, heart attack aside, it's nice to see you Feli! *Smiles*
14 years ago
*he will keep on trying =3=* Nice to see you too, Gilly! You look really pretty~
14 years ago
*Smirks* I know. I'm /gorgeous/~ *Flips long hair and laughs* Ahahah! Prettier than any girl in the world!
14 years ago
*stares at you* sí........I've seen lots of girls around the world...and they are nothing compared to you, bella~
14 years ago
Duh. *Settles back against the tree and crosses her arms under her bust, pushing breasts up slightly* Che, you interrupted my nap =3=
14 years ago
*stares at this before shaking his head and looking away* Sorry, Gilly...at least I didn't sneak into your bed this time? ;w;
14 years ago
Aww, but I like it when you sneak into mein bed! You're a warm comfy pillow! >w<
14 years ago
Well you said my naked body was cold before....But then you warmed it up! Ve =7=
14 years ago
You sure did~ *smiles and blows at her fringe* Mou...it's gotten so hoooooot~~~ *pulls at the collar of her t-shirt and fans self with it*
14 years ago
*ponders how he can help you cool off and looks for anything to fan you with* Um, I can buy you a drink?
14 years ago
*Smiles and eyes light up* Ja! I'm horribly thirsty too~ *pouts again*
14 years ago
Ve! *gets up asnd offers his hand out to you* I shall take you to a bar!
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
*Grins and takes your hand, letting you haul her up* The drinks on you? *Smiles prettily*
14 years ago
*does struggle in hauling you up, showing a weakness he has but he simply grins* Sure! Come on! *happily holds your hand and drags you off *
14 years ago
((damn song in my headddd))
14 years ago
*Just follows merrily - beer makes her happy : D*
14 years ago
*Gets to the bar and he turns to you, looking sheepish* Um, what do I order...?
14 years ago
Beer! *Laughs and slaps you on the shoulder* Silly~
14 years ago
Um, okay..*actually mumbles in Italian before ordering their drinks and he eventually passes you a tall glass of beer*
14 years ago
Ahh~ *purrs and chugs the beer like a MANRY MAN* =w=~ *wipes lips with her hand* Nothin' like a good bier, ja? *Smiles*
14 years ago
*Sipping his beer, eyes on you over the rim of the glass* Hmm, ve. You want another?
14 years ago
Ja, bitte! *Doesn't realise that women can't handle as much beer as men can*
14 years ago
*nods and as he swallows down his own beer, Feli orders two more glasses and accidenatlly belched out loud* Ve?! *starts flushing* pardonme!
14 years ago
*Laughs loudly* Ah, that's it! Burp like a man! *punches your shoulder and gulps down her new beer immediately* Whoo~ so gut~
14 years ago
*stumbles to the side due to your punch and chuckle sweakly as he thought he was so rude...* Ve...*gulps down his second glass just to match
14 years ago
your pace and he orders them their 3rd already*
14 years ago
*Props chin on her hand, smiling a little tipsily* Ah, this is so much fuun~
14 years ago
*is not tipsy /yet/ as he can handre his drink well surprisingly but he licks at his lips as he looks to you and nods* I agree!
14 years ago
*Takes her third beer and gulps half of it down* Oh, hahaha...I think I'm a liiiil' tipsy~ *Accidentally slops some beer down her front* Ah!
14 years ago
! Ve! *grabs your hand and drags you to the gents loos (forgetting that you are fem for a moment)*
14 years ago
*Just stumbles after you, smiling drunkenly and pawing at her now wet bosom* So cold now =3=
14 years ago
Ve? *grabs paper towels and tries to wipe at your mess without actually touching your bosoms, meaning he was doing a shitty job*
14 years ago
*Giggles* Feeeeeliiii~ you're doin' it wrooooong~ *grabs your hand and presses it against her bosom* It's wet /theeeeere/~
14 years ago
......v-ve....*not moving his hand and now is flushing cos BOOB*
14 years ago
You silly~~ *moves your hand to rub against her boob and dry it off - completely oblivious D: *
14 years ago
*competely disracted by the feel of your breast and finally he just....wipes as slowly and carefully as possibly*
14 years ago
*possible =3=
14 years ago
*Giggles again - feels weird* T-Theeeere~ *Still tipsy as you wipe her bosom dry* Now it's dry!
14 years ago
Good! *takes his hand away and stares at his palm, not believeing what he just did* ve...
14 years ago
*Suddenly hugs you - since beer makes her extra-affectionate - and squishes you to her bosom* Dankeee, Feliii~~
14 years ago
Ve! No--n-no worries, Gilly! *feeling your breasts against his face but he simply hugs you back and kinda cheekrubs your boob*
14 years ago
*Giggles and let's you go, holding you out at arms length* Want, want 'nother beer? <3
14 years ago
Ahh, ve! Sure! *maybe he'll get tipsy too this time*
14 years ago
*Links her elbow with yours and leads them out of the bathroom, sometimes swaying and bumping into you*
14 years ago
*doesn't mind the swaying, even doing it with you for fun but thte bumping is making him stumble about*
14 years ago
*Finally gets back to their table, but when she tries to sit down, she misses her seat and falls on the floor* *Erupts into drunken laughter
14 years ago
! *nearly fell on you then but does not and he hovers over you* Gilly, be careful, sí? *trying to haul you up*
14 years ago
*Giggles as she's clumsily pulled up, and lurches into you, wrapping arms around your shoulders to keep balance*
14 years ago
*does not mind this because you are not on the floor!* ve, are you okay, bella? ;w; *hands goes your hips to keep you steady*
14 years ago
Mmm... *presses face into the crook of your neck* M'sleeepy now~
14 years ago
*flushes at the closeness* Ve..? Maybe we should go sit down? *looks at the seats in the dark corner*
14 years ago
Okay... *practically drowsing as you half support, half carry her to the dark corner*
14 years ago
*finally gets you into the corner, and sits next to you, worried* Are you okay, Gilly?
14 years ago
*Nods, rubbing her eyes* Jaaaa...jus' beer went to my head s'all...
14 years ago
*pats your thigh to comfort you* maybe we can just...talk for a while? Or something...
14 years ago
Um okay... *blinks at you, holding her head up with her hand on her forehead, long hair pooling on the table* What d'ya wanna talk 'bout?
14 years ago
*stares at this, thinking you're really beautiful*...You're so pretty, ve~
14 years ago
*Blinks* Hm? I know. *Smiles in bemusement*
14 years ago
*flushes and looks to the table shyly which he finds odd as he never has trouble flirting with girls and he fidgets with his fingers*
14 years ago
((baww you made him so shy ;w;-))
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
What's wrong? *Lifts head from her hand, frowning slightly*
14 years ago
*shakes head* Nothing!~ *turns his face even more away because he was fully blushing now*
14 years ago
*Pouts and leans forwards, taking your chin with her slim fingers to make you look at her* Eh? You're all red...
14 years ago
*looks sheepish and stutters a little* N-nothing! Ve....*chuckles weakly*
14 years ago
Are you hot? *Puzzled* We can go outside for a walk to clear your head if you want.
14 years ago
Erm, no...not hot...! But the walk sounds good! *less eyes this way =3=*
14 years ago
*Smiles* Alright! *Rises to her feet and wobbles a bit before offering her hand to you*
14 years ago
*shyly takes your hand and lets you lead the way this time, oddly quiet*
14 years ago
*Humming, not noticing all that much as she walks out into the street with you, hand in hand*
14 years ago
*probably look like a couple to the people they walk past but Feli does not notice this fact as he's clearly too busy watching you* ve
14 years ago
*Notices the look after a while* What? Do I have somethin on my face?
14 years ago
Nope~ *happily deciding to just be himself as he sees you finding his quiet/shy side odd* you're just beautiful~
14 years ago
... *Smirks* I know
14 years ago
*tugs at your hand* ...I mean it though, Gilly...
14 years ago
*Blinks at you* Of course you mean it.
14 years ago
*gives you a look and was about to say something but he stops and nods|* Si~ I do.
14 years ago
*Tilts head* You're acting really strange today Feli =3=
14 years ago
I am? Ah, sorry, Gilly *pokes at his own cheek, flushing again and he sees them entering the local park where it's dark and clings to you*
14 years ago
? It's only a dark park~ *teases you with a small grin*
14 years ago
*clings to your shirt, despite your breasts being there and shivers* there might be ghosts!
14 years ago
*Grunts* Uh, Feli, you're grabbing my boob.
14 years ago
.......*releases your breast with a blush and clings to your arm instead* S-sorry *had a tight grip there*
14 years ago
*Coughs, blushing herself* Uh, let's sit down. I'll make sure no ghosts get you.
14 years ago
O-okay....*has his eyes wide open, looking for ghosts as they try finding a bench*
14 years ago
*Finds a bench and sits them on it, slouching back and sighing - her buzz was beginning to wear off...*
14 years ago
*still pretty much glued to your side, shivering as he keeps looking around*
14 years ago
=3= Are you cold?
14 years ago
N-no, scared! *decides to stick his cheek to your shoulder and closes his eyes shut* aren't you afraid of ghosts?
14 years ago
Pfft, no. Rome's a ghost y'know, and you're not scared of him. So why should you be scared of other ghosts?
14 years ago
Ehh...grandpa's a different sort of ghost...*looks to you* because we can actually touch him without our hand going through him!
14 years ago
=3= Well, that's certainly true... *smirks pervertedly*
14 years ago
*ponders the smirk* what are you thinking about?
14 years ago
Nothing... *about her and Rome's last, ahem, 'encounter'*
14 years ago
*pout and squeezes your arm* Tell me, Gilly!
14 years ago
Uh, it's nothing really, just remembering something about...Rome.
14 years ago
I always remember grandpa *looks fond* he's the best, ve...
14 years ago
Ja, the best...in bed... *mumbles the last part*
14 years ago
*HEARD THAT* in bed? *wouldn't know*
14 years ago
Uh...well, you know. Um...hey! There's a full moon tonight! *Feels really awkward in telling you that he's getting boned by your grandad*
14 years ago
*looks up at the moon, admiring it* it's so pretty!
14 years ago
Phew... *mentally pats self on the back for successful diversion* It is!
14 years ago
*smiles and hums 'That's Amore'*
14 years ago
*Tilts head* Hm? What'cha humming there?
14 years ago
It's That's Amore...I am using the Italian version =w=
14 years ago
Oh *blank look*
14 years ago
Don't you know the song? ;w;
14 years ago
*Shakes head*
14 years ago
*starts singing it in English for you* When the moon meets your eyes like a big big pizza pie, that's Amore!~
14 years ago
*Giggles* Pizza pie?
14 years ago
*pauses and looks to you*...Ve....it's the lyrics.....I think it's nice! Cos pizzas are nice....
14 years ago
14 years ago
((|DDDDD *loling forever*))
14 years ago
Hmm... *scratches chin* That is true, pizzas are delicious -3-
14 years ago
Hmm, ve =w= I am starting to get hungry....
14 years ago
So am I *pouts*
14 years ago
shall we go home? I can make us pizza then!
14 years ago
Ja! I love your cooking, Feli! *Smiles and stands up, holding hand out to help you up*
14 years ago
*takes your hand happily* ve, what topping would you like?
14 years ago
Mmm~ pepperoni!
14 years ago
Nice choice! I hope Germany has been buying me things for eat....I am not keen on wurst
14 years ago
Ah! How can you not be keen on wurst? It's the best thing ever next to beer and sex =3=
14 years ago
Well, ve....I never had sex...and beer is okay...*looks thoughtful as he leads you to their house*
14 years ago
You haven't lived, Feli~ *wags finger chidingly at you* We need to get you laid, stat! ...By someone I approve of =w=
14 years ago
*flushes* V-ve....who wants me anyways...*goes into the kitchen to avoid the subject*
14 years ago
I told you~ Bruder wants you! He wants you so bad I'm amazed he ain't, like, humping your leg! *Follows you*
14 years ago
....*gives you a surprised look at that, having a mental image but he shrugs it off and wears an apron* Pleas sit down, Gilly~
14 years ago
Sure~ *Flops down on the seat, slouching and spreading her legs like a man*
14 years ago
*stares at this*.....*turns away anbd starts furioiusly preparing the base*
14 years ago
*Tilts head back, crossing her arms under her breasts and sighing* So how long does pizza take to make?
14 years ago
Ve~ about half an hour? *is doing a pro job at kneading the base and flattening it out, getting flour everywhere*
14 years ago
So looong...do you have some alcohol?
14 years ago
I have wine! *goes over to you with flour stuck to his cheek and passes you glasses and a bottle*
14 years ago
*Giggles and lifts hand to wipe the smudge of flour off your cheek with her thumb* You silly...danke! *Immediately pours herself a glass*
14 years ago
Ve? *flushes at that but waits for you to pour him a glass too* this is the best wine you can have =w=
14 years ago
Mmm, I don't know anything about wine *takes a sip after filling your glass* Kinda nice I guess.
14 years ago
*gladly sips his own wine and looks happy* Hmm~ just so nice~~~ *goes back to making the pizza, finally putting the topping on*
14 years ago
*At this point, she's practically had the whole bottle, and is red-faced out of drunkenness* =//w//=
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
*finally stuck the pizza into the oven* done! It just needs 20 minutes! *turns to you and sees you all red* Gilly, you're okay?!
14 years ago
14 years ago
JA! Just, druunk~ *giggles and sways in her seat*
14 years ago
*looks to the wine bottle and pouts because he loves that brand and you had drunk it* Ve...*sits next to you and sips at his glass*
14 years ago
*Holding her head up with her hands, lips curled in a drunken smile and staring at Feli with red cheeks* ~
14 years ago
*looks to you, staring back, before chuckling* So red~~ *pokes your cheek softly*
14 years ago
*Blinks slowly* Ah...? *Smiles in puzzlement and pokes her own cheek*
14 years ago
*gulps down the rest of his wine, happily feeling that buzz, going red himself*
14 years ago
*Giggles* Yer reeeeeeeeed~~
14 years ago
Ve?! *touches his own cheek worriedly* ;A;
14 years ago
Aww... *drunkenly cups your red cheeks, smiling widely* S'alright! Cuuuuuuuute~
14 years ago
*faces you now, still looking worried* why is it cute?
14 years ago
'Coz, s'like, cute...like, yer blushin'...
14 years ago
*does blush, adding more colour to his cheeks as he stares at you cloesly* I don't blush....=w=
14 years ago
Yur doin' it right now! *Giggles again, leaning forwards and accidentally bumping noses together* Oh s'rry
14 years ago
*closes his eyes at the nose bumping, but he did not mind, even rubbing his own against yours and smiled* it's okay! We're eskimo kissing!
14 years ago
*Giggles* Eskimo kissing? Oh yeah... *smiles warmly* Done this b'fore...feels nice *rubs noses with a soft giggle*
14 years ago
It does...! *smiles still, closing his eyes as he continues the rubbing*
14 years ago
Mmm... *rests her forehead against yours, eyes closed. She was sleepy*
14 years ago
,,,,Ve? *finds this closeness nice, and he has a hard time resisting kissing your lips as they were dangerously near*
14 years ago
*Opens eyes sleepily, and smiles widely* ...you look cute...
14 years ago
So do you, ve~ *flushes at the unexpected compliment and he held his breath as he tilted his head to press a light kiss to your lips*
14 years ago
*Blinks at the light kiss, but thinks it's friendly and presses into it a little, lips still curved into a small smile*
14 years ago
*doesn't really pull back, keeping his lips against yours, enjoying the rare moment, smiling too* ~
14 years ago
*Pulls back after a moment, but only a little so that their noses are still touching* You have verrry soft lips too~
14 years ago
*chuckles, a blush rising* Grazie! Your lips are thes best~ *looks at you in appreciation*
14 years ago
*Giggles* O' course they are! I'm an awesome kisser =w=
14 years ago
Are you? *looks curious, tilting his head again*
14 years ago
I jus' said I was, didn't I? *Pouts*
14 years ago
*smiles and kisses your pout* Ve, I was only saying! *still obviously doesn't believe you*
14 years ago
*Pouts even more* Hmph, I'll show you then! *Suddenly grabs the front of your shirt and crushes their lips together in a kiss*
14 years ago
!!! *muffled Ves were coming from him as he tried to figure where to put his hands and setttled them on your shoulders as he kissed back*
14 years ago
*Kisses hard like she usually does, fingers still curled into the front of your shirt as she hums against your lips* ~~
14 years ago
*tries to response in the same manner, but feels slightly overwhelmed as his hands slip down, accidentally brushing past your chest*
14 years ago
*Startled, because this was still a sorta 'friends' kiss, and her lips part in a gasp as she feels your hands brush against her bosom*
14 years ago
*startled by your gasp, he worriedly patted at your breasts as an apology whilst kissing you still, pressing against your parted lips*
14 years ago
*Shivers, her nipples stiffening at your pawing and let's out a soft moan, tugging at your shirt to be closer*
14 years ago
*pauses at your nipple hardening under his palms, and he swallows nervously, shuffling closer, parting his own lips against yours*
14 years ago
*Moans softly, beginning to pant into your mouth, shuffling her chair closer to yours as well so she was almost on your lap*
14 years ago
*lets one hand drop to your thigh and boldly begins to touch it up as he tries to introduce his tongue into the kiss, the buzz of the wine
14 years ago
settling into his mind, causing his common sense to be more muddled*
14 years ago
*Gilbert's own common sense had exploded into nothingness, and she gasps, lips parting even more as your tongue dips past her soft lips*
14 years ago
*gladly explores your mouth deeply with his tongue as the pad of his thumb draws circles into your thigh*
14 years ago
*Moans mindlessly, twisting her fingers into your shirt and squirming deliciously, tongue rubbing against yours*
14 years ago
*keeps his other hand at your breast, gently pushing and squeezing at it, his shyness clearly gone as his tongue played with yours*
14 years ago
*Pushes her breast into your hand, shivering as she feels herself...tingle...down there and squirms in her seat, mewling in pleasure*
14 years ago
*starts stroking at your thigh, moving his hand up slowly as the other played with your nipple, flicking at it teasingly*
14 years ago
*Groans and lift a hand to slide into your hair, shivering when your fingers dip past the hem of her denim shorts*
14 years ago
*seeks out warmer skin under your shorts, slidling his fingers up further, and his other hand gets the same idea by sliding under your top*
14 years ago
*Gasps into your mouth and arches when your warm palm settles on her breast, legs instinctively spreading when your fingers tease her
14 years ago
14 years ago
*struggles to delve deeper into your shorts due to the material getting into his way, and he grunts, massaging your breast slowly*
14 years ago
*Gasps but after a moment pulls back a little, lips slick and swollen, and drops her hands to unbutton her shorts and push them down*
14 years ago
*eyes drops to your lap, staring at your panties as his hand hover over them, wondering if he should dare dive in*
14 years ago
*Licks lips, eyes glazed from alcohol and lust* Ja~ *Curls a hand around your wrist and pushes your hand down to settle on her panties*
14 years ago
*curves his fingers around at the bottom and presses his palm against your vagina, soaking up the warmth, and he smiles happily as he
14 years ago
presses light, sweet kisses against the cornere of your lip*
14 years ago
*Moans at the light kisses and the pressure on her sex, and rocks to the palm, breathing quickly*
14 years ago
Ve...? *looks down, watching you and thought it would be helpful by rubbing his palm against you, liking the soft feeling*
14 years ago
Oh! *Gasps, your palm rubbing over her clit, and grips your shoulders, moaning soft encouragements* Ja, ja, keep doin' that, ja~
14 years ago
*flushes as he watches your face, but he did as he's told and rubs at you, adding firm pressure*
14 years ago
*Whimpers and groans, head tilting back and her long hair plastering to her red cheeks or her heaving bosom as she rolls her hips* Jaaa~
14 years ago
*watches you, feeling his own lust rise as his hand rubs faster, working with your hips to make it more 'fun' Ve.....
14 years ago
Ah, ah, ahh~ *Bites her bottom lip, her hand pressing against yours to work with you in rubbing* Ahh~ F-Feli~
14 years ago
*trembles as he listens to you, his hand working on your breast now plain fondling it roughly - something he would never normally do*
14 years ago
*Gasps at th rough treatment, turning her on even further, and whimpers when she begins to feel...wet* Feli! Feli~ bitte~ more~
14 years ago
((Rofl, Feli is semeing the fuck outta Gil |D))
14 years ago
(And...they need to find somewhere more comfortable than the kitchen chairs :/ ))
14 years ago
((well, life is full of surprises =w= amd uhh yeah, lemme change that...))
14 years ago
*wants to give you more and hazily remembers where they are, so he drags you up* ve...let's go somewhere more better~
14 years ago
((where can they go...sofa?))
14 years ago
((Sofa, bed...the table >D))
14 years ago
*Whines as she's pulled up, her legs weak from the pleasure in her groin* B-Better~?
14 years ago
14 years ago
*nods as he spots the table* ve! Here!~ *pushes you to the table, making you lie back against it*
14 years ago
*Blinks as she's pressed down against the table, her legs spread and her tank top hitched up enough to see the beginning swell of her
14 years ago
breast* Ah, Feli... *smirks* So kinky~
14 years ago
Ve~ *chuckles and presses a finger to his cheek as if faking innocence* You like it? *and before he lets you answer, he dips his head and
14 years ago
swipes his tongue over your exposed breast, planting both hands at your hips, dragging you closer to him so you could feel his excitement
14 years ago
against your ass*
14 years ago
*Blinks in utter surprise - never expected /this/ side from you - before moaning at feeling your tongue tease her breast*
14 years ago
*lifts the top further off your breast with his teeth and ravishes your nipple, uttering happy little Ves as he did si*
14 years ago
14 years ago
*Her hands grip your hair, cradling your head as you ravish her nipple and she rocks her hips against your arousal, gasping*
14 years ago
*his back arches, causing him to press further against your rocking hips and he has a strong urge to do you, but keep that quiet as he nips
14 years ago
at your breast playfully*
14 years ago
Nnngh, Feli~ *Head tilts back, lips trembling as she moans* Feliiii~~~
14 years ago
*Can't resist humping against you, showing that he wanted you as his fingers dances across your stomach and dipping sneakily into your
14 years ago
14 years ago
*Gasps then gives a soft squeal of pleasure as she feels you roughly humping her, trembling when your fingers sneak into her panties*
14 years ago
*slides his hand further down and touches the top of your clit, teasing as he rubs at it from time to time*
14 years ago
*Whimpers and arches off the able* Oh oh Gott~~ *jerks whenever you rub, breathing rapid and shallow* Oh mein Gott /ja/!
14 years ago
*squirms in unspent lust against your crotch, breathing shallowly as he sneaks his face up to yours* G-gilly....veee...
14 years ago
Feli~ *cups your cheeks, breathing rapid and eyes glazed from drunkenness and lust* Oh mein....mein Gott...
14 years ago
I...ve? *looks to you questioningly, wondering if you get what he wanted, his finger running over your clit*
14 years ago
Ahh~ *eyes close and head tilts back, hips jerking up to try and get more pressure there* Ahhh~! Jaaa~!
14 years ago
*stops rubbing you, replacing his hand with his crotch, humping you there instead, his erection straining against the material*
14 years ago
*Whimpers as you hump against her, legs bunching and stretching out before wrapping around your waist* Ahh~
14 years ago
((Hmm~ and when shall we stop this? |D Can't have Gilly gettin's smexed...))
14 years ago
((idek.....maybe Gilly decides it's kinkier for them to get each other off - that way they are not fucking))
14 years ago
*tilts his own head back, groaning out as he gains much needed friction from their rubbing*
14 years ago
((Yeeeeah, but still a bit of a ah shit moment for Gil =3= Besides I like torturing him))
14 years ago
14 years ago
*Happily humps against you, her panties feeling quite wet now, and urges you on mindlessly*
14 years ago
14 years ago
((if he stops now, she will be left tortured too unless she gets herself off quickly...))
14 years ago
(I think she can have a quick orgasm around now, since women have the gift of ~multiple orgasms~))
14 years ago
*urgently rubs harder, whimpering at his need of release as he watches you squirm beneath him, uttering strings of Italian*
14 years ago
((pfft cum away and deal with pizza and a fem feli =u=))
14 years ago
14 years ago
Ahh~ ahhh~~~! *Arches, grasping tightly at you as she babbles mindless German as you rub against a particularly mind blowing spot* --
14 years ago
Ohmeingottfeli! *Bucks, eyes screwing shut, and utters a soft cry, spasming and squirming under you as she cums*
14 years ago
*breathes quickly as he feels you cum against his needy crotch and pants as he rubs slower, torturing himself* v-ve.....
14 years ago
*Breathing heavily, gropes at you to ground herself as she twitches, still riding out her orgasm* Gott... *starts to smell smoke* ...Huh...?
14 years ago
*sniffs at the air, smelling the smoke and suddenly his eyes widens* VE?! THE PIZZA! *suddenly wriggles out of your hold (he was good at
14 years ago
espacingsometimes and ran to check the oven*
14 years ago
....huh? *Blinks again and sits up groggily, her body still trembling from her orgasm* pizza?
14 years ago
*opens the oven, plunging himself into the black smoke to pull out a very burnt pizza* Ve....it's ruined...
14 years ago
*Gently slaps her cheeks to return herself to reality, and smiled blissfully but a bit sheepishly* Sorry...
14 years ago
*sinks to the floor as he starts to feel funny* v-ve...
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
Huh? Feli? *Frowns and quickly pulls her shorts up as she slides off the table* You alright?
14 years ago
14 years ago
I-I think so..? *has bent over slightly so you cannot see he's changing, his hair growing out , his whole body changing*
14 years ago
*Blinks, feeling something's off, and sweeps her long hair out of her eyes as she steps forward* Feli...?
14 years ago
*shivers as he finally turns into a she and lifts her head to reveal a ponytail of longer hair and she slowly looks up at Gilly behind
14 years ago
her* Ve~e?
14 years ago
............oh mein God IT'S AN STD! D:
14 years ago
Huh?! *totally not realsing her voiuce change nor the fact she has BOOBS now* what is an STD...? *sounds very sweet and gentle*
14 years ago
The uh...fem...thing *gestures to you*
14 years ago
Wha--? *looks at hesrelf and sees her boobs*..VEEE? WHAT ARE THESE?! *grabs them in horror*
14 years ago
I do believe those are breasts *pulls her tank top down from where it had been rumpled up*
14 years ago
*looks up at you, eyes wide* w-why do I have them?!
14 years ago
I think you caught the fem thingoff me .___.
14 years ago
How?! We didn't even....*pauses and blushes as she drops her hands to her sides, feeling wider hips, meaning her pants were tight on her*
14 years ago
No, but you did touch my vag. So, you know, I think you got it from that...
14 years ago
*stares at her hand*.....?!? I....what? *remembers something and starts pawing at her crotch* ....v-ve, it's gone...
14 years ago
*Stares* Yep...ah, great, will Bruder be happy or annoyed at this...?
14 years ago
G-Germany?! *looks scared for her life* HE WILL KILL ME! ;A;
14 years ago
Ah! *Raises hands placatingly* He won't kill you!
14 years ago
*sniffles cutely as she eyes you, wiping her tears on her long sleeve* My clothes are too big...
14 years ago
=3= Yeah...we need to get you some more...
14 years ago
*nods and starts undressing right there, because she is Italian and not afraid to get naked if she must*
14 years ago
*Resists the urge to face palm* Don't get undressed /now/, dumpfbacke.
14 years ago
*is halfway taking her pants off so she is left in an oversized shirt* ve? Why not?
14 years ago
Because we don;t have any clothes to give you and I'm not parading you outside naked. They'll eat you alive, and Bruder'll kill me.
14 years ago
E-eat me? *thinking you mean the scary kind with vampires and sobs as she flops to the floor in her shirt*
14 years ago
No no no! Not literally! I mean they'll try to grope and molest you! *kneels down next to you*
14 years ago
*looks to you* why would they do that? *has not yet seen herself, so she has no clue what she looks like*
14 years ago
Because you're fuckin' hot =3=
14 years ago
Eh? *blushes and looks down at her bare lap* am I? *pokes at her smoother skin curiously*
14 years ago
You are. Now c'mon, put your pants back on. We need to go shoppin'.
14 years ago
(And I think a new box is needed =4= ))
14 years ago
Okay...*shakily gets up to pull on her pants again*
14 years ago
((ahaha kk, wanna start a new box?))
14 years ago
14 years ago
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