SungNung hopes
14 years ago
can rotates back sleeping time..sleep at nite and wake up early..haha..want have a healthy lifestyle..hope i can do it.. :-))
latest #24
Morris 莫里斯 says
14 years ago
yes! you can do it!!! (drinking)
missygin is
14 years ago
haha try ur best~~ (LOL)
SungNung says
14 years ago
i hope i also can do it lah..haha bt now exam week..sure will study tong xiao de... :-))
salmonfishy says
14 years ago
muhahahah..dude when u start playing plurk pulak? LOL~ yeah we can get connected here ler..
SungNung says
14 years ago
er since jz now lor...haha too boring le exam find somthing to play...haha...
salmonfishy says
14 years ago
hahahah...jus open 1? hahah boring? serious? fb not enuf let u play aa? ask more join la is fun to play plurk thou~~ nicer than fb status
misscharlen3 says
14 years ago
here nicer meh ?why feel like a lil bit complicated geh ?
SungNung says
14 years ago
er for me is nicer than fb status la..haha..maybe it is new for me n i feel interesting ba..
misscharlen3 says
14 years ago
喜新厌旧... :-P
salmonfishy says
14 years ago
muhahaha..definitely plurk nicer for u to update ur daily status.. u can get diff cycle of fren here + u can private ur plurk if u wan...
salmonfishy says
14 years ago
in case u jus want plurk it out but duwan anyone or someone know lol..haha! N u can link to fb too o sung nung! earn more karma la..
missygin says
14 years ago
salmonfishy is promoting plurk~ haha
SungNung says
14 years ago
haha ya lo he work for plurk i guess haha
salmonfishy says
14 years ago
no laa..just let u know since u r new..hahahahaah~~ hw nice? no ask for tutor fees
missygin says
14 years ago
applause~ (LOL)
SungNung says
14 years ago
haha thanks for teaching me for me it is really more interesting than fb lah..attracted to plurk ardy..hehe
missygin says
14 years ago
at dis moment,i think u attract to books is better~ haha
salmonfishy says
14 years ago
good good! plurk buddy..muhahahah~~ less our fren join plurk lol..duno y they so fancy fb status..hahah~~
SungNung says
14 years ago
haha i oso hope that i can "face" book...haha...they belum try belum tau me try liao den hari hari mau lo..haha :-D
missygin says
14 years ago
SN!! u r so geli~ :'-(
SungNung says
14 years ago
haha jOking onLy lar..haha
salmonfishy says
14 years ago
omg..u so hiao a lately..muhahah! good..become more not so serious type..haha
SungNung says
14 years ago
haha me last time very serious meh?
salmonfishy says
14 years ago
hahahaa..not playful type i shud said..hahaa
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