lisamac is
16 years ago
trying to figure out what the headless plurk character is about
latest #6
TheDudeDean says
16 years ago
its to motivate you to get a cooler logo so you use the site more. a clever ploy
lisamac says
16 years ago
i'm pretty sure that game won't work on me. Time is money. I don't gots time for games. :-)
TheDudeDean says
16 years ago
Lisa I am sure you will have plenty of Karma without trying that hard since you are so stalkable and all. Just post your plurking link
TheDudeDean says
16 years ago
Look under your fans on the bottom right
hawaii says
16 years ago
You can change that icon in your profile editor. And yeah, post your invite link a few times and you'll have a great community around you.
TheDudeDean says
16 years ago
(g_gym) (g_gym) (g_gym) (g_gym) (g_gym)
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