geoffliving shares
16 years ago
I'm plurking tonight. No twitter!
latest #13
16 years ago
you live on the edge, my friend.
geoffliving says
16 years ago
such an animal
16 years ago
damn skippy
16 years ago
actually, I'm on Twitter weeding out my following list -- just wait for the hate to flow and then REMOVE.
geoffliving says
16 years ago
f em all connie!
geoffliving says
16 years ago
can't stand all of the RNC tweeting.
16 years ago
geoffliving the day Palin was announced, i felt like choking Twitter.
16 years ago
It's the arrogant, hateful attitude of some that I despise. Mack's post about that today was right on.
Kellye_Crane says
16 years ago
I don't know if it's my imagination, but it seems like a lot of folks are "missing in action" from Twitter after the politics got going.
16 years ago
I'm MIA. I've also been plurkless tonight, working my bootie off. But I've been dodging Twitter big time.
geoffliving says
16 years ago
yeah, just not interested.
16 years ago
I unfollowed 5 people tonight and my timeline is a lot friendlier now.
geoffliving says
16 years ago
good for you COnnie!
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