♥ ;ShiLi is
15 years ago
scared . Cause she cant seem to be able to pay attention during lessons :'-(
latest #16
YongHe Flan says
15 years ago
same =.= i can only pay attention in funny classes =P
♥ ;ShiLi says
15 years ago
me none . How how how ?!
♥ ;ShiLi says
15 years ago
u do vernier callipers le mahs ?
YongHe Flan says
15 years ago
nope... it was too easy till i decided to leave it for tml
JKrox says
15 years ago
O.o physics?
YongHe Flan says
15 years ago
♥ ;ShiLi says
15 years ago
Ohhs . Cause MON hand in rights ?
JKrox says
15 years ago
heng i nvr take physics...lyk vry difficult liddat...
YongHe Flan says
15 years ago
YongHe Flan says
15 years ago
JKrox says
15 years ago
bt more fun mah...mr ang show us a video bout cow's eyeball n th person cut it into 4 parts exposing th inside...bt it makes me puke =/
YongHe Flan says
15 years ago
U say fun den you say u want to puke, contradicting...
JKrox says
15 years ago
overall, it's fun...only th eyeball part gross...dun believe? ask other ppl...ning yi oso can, dickson oso can...
YongHe Flan says
15 years ago
I almost die of laughter during Biology =.= Ytd and today....
YongHe Flan says
15 years ago
Oscar keep making jokes with Mr Goh den whole class laugh like mad
JKrox says
15 years ago
good la...at least ur class more lively...
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