msskiv wonders
14 years ago
What is a HUMANE act? Give an example.
latest #56
14 years ago
Humane is when you are simpethic to humans and other animals. An example of humans can be getting cats out of trees
msskiv says
14 years ago
like...give me a real world, you, etc.
matthenson says
14 years ago
humane is when you are kind to everything around you.
matthenson says
14 years ago
an example of this is john keller who helped over 250 people escape new orleans after hurricane katrina
Drewski says
14 years ago
humaine is doing what is humanly right a humaine thing in history is when gandhi led protestors on the salt march to protest wrights
mikeoil says
14 years ago
humane is when you dont go running around killing everything..and an example is caring for someone
testiferthewaterboy says
14 years ago
humane is compassionate and simpithetic and an example is after 911 when the whole everyone gave money and time and was there for eachother
clar5 says
14 years ago
a humane act is when you are kind to everything
Rabby18 says
14 years ago
Humane means to be kind to everthing, example would be to to own a animal shelter.
clar5 says
14 years ago
an example of humanity is peta, they protect animals from anything INHUMANE
jferro4 says
14 years ago
a human act is something you do that shows your nice side, or shows you have feelings. an example would be helping an old lady cross the
jferro4 says
14 years ago
marsbars13 says
14 years ago
humane means to be kind and polite...has feeling or shows them
marsbars13 says
14 years ago
an example would be the guy that helps the elementary kids go a cross the road
Hannie11 says
14 years ago
a humane act is something that you do that shows you are nice and can help people or animals etc. an example is a child going to read to a
Hannie11 says
14 years ago
old grandparent or person they know of that cant read or see or something to that effect or just doing it because it is the right thing to s
Hannie11 says
14 years ago
sunflowaa says
14 years ago
A humane act is when you are compassionate towards people and animals. An example would be those people that help abused animals.
DRSTEVO23 says
14 years ago
Humane means to be civil and being kind to ppl. One example is when a person helps someone that is having problems
rizzkid13 says
14 years ago
a humane act is being kind and simpathetic to everyone and everything around you
rizzkid13 says
14 years ago
an example is sticking up for someone getting bullied by others
eeeeeerin_23 says
14 years ago
A humane act is being kind and courteous to everybody you know whether you like them or not.
eeeeeerin_23 says
14 years ago
An example is helping somebody when they drop their books, or helping somebody in general.
devenlover99 says
14 years ago
i got this from the news tonight i saw a story of a man that was digging people out of wreckage in Hedi.
Sudzy22 says
14 years ago
humane is when you dont go around killing people :-&
zweigles says
14 years ago
a humane act is being nice and not killing an example thomas edison
14 years ago
a humane act is an act of kindness towards someone or something.
14 years ago
an example of a humane act is someone helping a friend carry a heavy object
daaaisyyy says
14 years ago
A humane act is caring and compassion towards other humans and animals.
daaaisyyy says
14 years ago
An expamle of humanity is giving your elders the time of day, as when your teachers greet you in the hall, its human to acknowledge them.
daaaisyyy says
14 years ago
msskiv says
14 years ago
sure'd be surprised how many kids won't even LOOK at me coming down the hall...funny...
msskiv says
14 years ago
some good need a SPECIFIC example..i'm gonna ask you what brad did...look at the news, online, etc.
MsRobertLosier says
14 years ago
Humane act - An act of tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for people and animals.
MsRobertLosier says
14 years ago
(Jan 13 2009.Genesee County. )
MsRobertLosier says
14 years ago
mission trip to an orphanage in Haiti. She brought clothes, sandals, toys, toiletries and school supplies to a small orphanage.
MsRobertLosier says
14 years ago
Sorry (Sharon Wolff of Bethany left on...)
MoebyWon says
14 years ago
like being kind yo people and not just ignoring them
MoebyWon says
14 years ago
Kdibbles says
14 years ago
A humane act would be voulnteering your time to benefit others.
Ehhmmazing says
14 years ago
Human is bring out well your inner human act of caring. An example is when after the exxon spilled people rescued the affected animals.
Meggie25 says
14 years ago
A humane act is kind and caring towards something.
Meggie25 says
14 years ago
an example is Peta
CanadianPat493 says
14 years ago
A humane act is a act that his humanly and not what the major opinion is. A humane act can be as small as donating to a charity.
CanadianPat493 says
14 years ago
Or helping to change a life.
Smthboy15 says
14 years ago
a humane act would be like doing something kind. an ex would be our soldiers to go to haiti to help them rebulid their places.
milkmuffin says
14 years ago
humane is doing good things and helping other people in need
milkmuffin says
14 years ago
an example is thee earthquake in Hati
lilly ! (: says
14 years ago
a good deed or kind gesture
Strykedaddy says
14 years ago
humane uis showing compassion and understanding and example of humane is how right now our school is raising money for the earthquake that
Strykedaddy says
14 years ago
happend in hati
andy3036 says
14 years ago
a hhumane act is an act of kindness doing what you believe is moraly right, like working with an animal shelter helping the animals that
andy3036 says
14 years ago
were treated inhumanly and left by the side of the raod and show them that someone cares about them.
14 years ago
A humane act is something that is nice/kind. and one is vontilering to be a fire fighter
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