loving someone who doesn't appreciate you... who does everything wrong even though you advise them not to... who badmouths you... etc...
agree with john on the first point
eh but is that the most difficult thing to do in life or part of a process?
from what i've seen... moving on seems to be fairly easy for alot of people... just given enough time...
not true. Time does not equate moving on. That is a misconception.
i tell u what i feel is the most difficult. To reach Jesus's standard of righteousness and purity and love.
but to add on to that, every failure that i face in doing so, gives me even more reason to chase after Him...
he4th... think about who i'm referring to in my first reply...
for those that maybe din catch it... hahaha
who are you referring to? me?
why do you think it is you? Unless you are guilty of it.
clarence, if he is guilty of it, i'm happy for him, really... lol... cos the context is what john wrote about.
carissa: nope. Dun think it's amusing at all
carissa, i think there's a significant similarity in the difficulty of letting go or moving on from something u have loved dearly....
and making the decision to stay and endure the hurts and pains simply just because u made the commitment to love the person thru good and
bad times,for better or for worse...
there's no absolute statement that will decide which is more difficult, it's all dependent on the context and the person.
and ues, i do agree both are not easy decisions to make =)
well, an optimist once told me, "the best way to know u have grown out of a problem, is when u look back and u can laugh at your 'stupidity'
and laugh genuinely too!"
i guess, some things, when people dun go thru it, they do not feel the pain. I can share a testimony about this, but not public plurk =)
we learn from life's lessons... but we can never really fully understand it until the lesson is over and u pass the test...
the test being looking back and thinking about yourself: "what an idiot"...