Nope, but I kind of liked being on the fringes.
popular in elementary and jr high.. No so much in HS.. Hated my HS hung out with a crwod at a different HS
I was one of those "sorta popular" - hung out with them, but friends with everyone. Never truly fit in anywhere.
Funny thing is that I liked never fitting in sometimes.
not in the cheerleader/jock/student council sense. I was a lone wolf hippie but I did have my love and peace crowd.
I was a band geek, though we used the term band fag
people knew me, but I didn't belong to any one group. Considered myself a "floater".
so incredibly disappointed with the quality of people she goes to high school with that she essentially considers herself separate from...
all groups and just sort of hangs out with who she feels like hanging out with.
not so much. I was in the "mid" level. But my HS was so small everyone knew everyone. Most of us grew up w/ each other.
the fat girl. oops, still is!
me either. moving every 2 years didn't help. always an outsider, but like(d)(s) it.
I knew everybody... not that they knew ME of course.
isn't it cool we all have each other here?
I was the weirdo. I dressed crazy, crazy hair, had a tattoo & my nose pierced. Sold weed to the rich kids. Most of my friends were older.
I was the female Ferris Bueller
it changed. From 7th through 11th I was no one . . .the unseen dork girl . .my senior year I went to a very small school and took over.