14 years ago
TMK papa. saw this come response here :-D
latest #17
;OO says
14 years ago
Second papa
tembikai says
14 years ago
i saw it~Jin_510@Jin_510
x3`L says
14 years ago
;OO says
14 years ago
x3`L says
14 years ago
yea huh?
;OO says
14 years ago
?? why is my name there
x3`L says
14 years ago
idk x.x how he do that btw?
tembikai says
14 years ago
lolx....i oso donno
x3`L says
14 years ago
lol pro
;OO says
14 years ago
he do it by
;OO says
14 years ago
x3_L: hi
;OO says
14 years ago
there :-)
x3`L says
14 years ago
lol dont get it
;OO says
14 years ago
x3_L: << isnt it blue??
x3`L says
14 years ago
yeah it is.
;OO says
14 years ago
isnnt tat wat u were curious about?
x3`L says
14 years ago
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