i found a nokia hp in the bus today !
latest #18
Eyqa says
14 years ago
waaah. best nye
tapyy tak amek uh .
the person call .
Eyqa says
14 years ago
asl seyyy ?? |!!
ahah , scared sey nak amekk .
then i go return .
the guy say thankyou alot of times seyy .
Eyqa says
14 years ago
hahahaha. wahhh . baik nye die !
Ahah ,tkdehlahh :-))
Before i pick up their call . they msg " Pick up the phone , f***er " Part itu dah tkt syy nak angkat ,..
then mcm feel bad tak angkt , so angkt ..then they tell me where to meet ,so i meet after fetching my bro ...
Thenn , identify them in pink .
AHah .
well , in the end . they said sorry for the msg and said thanks . Happy .
14 years ago
(LOL) amalia alimm
14 years ago
14 years ago
eheh .
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