Veronica has
15 years ago
$730 (AUD) saved.
latest #23
Veronica says
15 years ago
In cash, because I always spend whatever is in my bank account and I'm too lazy to start a savings account.
Veronica says
15 years ago
I should have enough for my new computer parts by pay day next week. (I think I'm getting around $230.) So, hopefully, I'll have a new
Veronica says
15 years ago
computer in a week! (Depending on how long it takes me to get a hold of the parts, and how long it'll take my brother to build it.)
15 years ago
wow! Lucky!
Veronica says
15 years ago
Veronica says
15 years ago
I just ordered all the parts but the graphics card! (The one I want is out of stock at the moment, so I'll have to wait.)
Steph says
15 years ago
YAY :-)
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
Veronica says
15 years ago
Thanks. :-)
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
Want me to send you an uncensored version of L4D2?
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
Y'know, cause Australia doesn't have 18 rated games.
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
And freedom. :-P
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
I kid, I kid.
Veronica says
15 years ago
Hahahaha. Shut up. And, sure. I can wave it in front of Kurt's face. I'll pay you for it, if you want. Haha.
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
Sure! :-)
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
Although, it might get intercepted in Customs.
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
I've seen Nothing to Declare!
Matthew Hughes
15 years ago
Apparently, it's called something else in Aussia.
Veronica says
15 years ago
Hahaha. I barely think a game will get intercepted. They're not opening every DVD-like package. :-P
Angela will
15 years ago
send you Dirty Dancing then
15 years ago
steals it.
Veronica says
15 years ago
ANGELA ♥ thinks
15 years ago
I will get intercepted by border security
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