15 years ago
's car may be REALLY dead. I think I damaged it more in that crash yesterday then I thought. The car ambulance came and picked up Yarg.
latest #14
gremlin wife says
15 years ago
fffff oh no! DDD:
Kitbot says
15 years ago
the tire was terrible flat, and the drive axel seemed... off. I've had that car for a while. I can tell when Yarg doesn't fell well.
gremlin wife
15 years ago
knows what you mean.
gremlin wife hopes
15 years ago
it's easily and cheaply fixed, whatever's wrong with Yarg...
15 years ago
oh no!
15 years ago
insurance will cover the repairs :-(
Kitbot says
15 years ago
... no... Yarg was declared a total loss and has no coverage besides uninsured driver/liability. All because of a broken HEADLIGHT.
Kitbot hates
15 years ago
insurance policies.
gremlin wife says
15 years ago
...what the fuck.
gremlin wife is
15 years ago
really sorry to hear that, that sounds like total balls.
Rachel, RN says
15 years ago
oh no! What does that mean for you?
15 years ago
what the flying fuck
Kitbot says
15 years ago
it means... actually nothing. I was intending to replace that car VERY soon anyway.
Kitbot is
15 years ago
just HELLISHLY glad the other car wasn't damaged. That would have increased my insurance rates.
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