if Kyouya and Kusakabe went out already.
"Ah." she looks up and blinks owlishly. "Yeah, they left about thirty minutes ago."
"oh." and flops down on a chair beside her. "... busy day?" she nods towards all the papers strewn on the countertop
"Well, I suppose you could say it was, although my usual definition of "busy" means fighting." she chuckles.
Paperwork's the thing I hate the most about this sort of job.
I didn't know there was paperwork at all. How do you write a report on how you, um, took care of a rival group, and all that?
Well, in the case of the Vongole, you have to outline all the details.
How you killed him, where you killed him, how long it took you, whether you got hurt in the process and if anyone saw you.
They pay you using a point system based on how well you did, by their judgment.
surprised that all that needs to be detailed. And that a point system exists for kills.
so it just won't do if you simply kill your target, but you have to do it in a way that... would get you paid well and ranked well too?
Yep. That's how you separate the dregs from the pros.
nodding and thinking over that particular piece of information.
Squalo will probably explain the Varia's standards to you when it occurs for him to do so.
what Kaoko's rank is withink the mafia world
steps in at that moment, announcing his intrusion politely and bowing to both of them.
ah, good evening, Kusakabe-san. Kyouya-san is...?
He went to see Cavallone-san in the hotel. o_o
...Hum. I guess that means he might not come home again.
Cavallone takes up an awful amount of his time.
Do you need me to do anything for you, Kaoko-san? I am free for the evening. :0
Nothing beyond the usual, Tetsu-kun. Thanks.
back to working, looking slightly irritated.
"Understood, ma'am." he bows, and takes his leave.
wanted to ask him if he wanted to just hang out with them, but he was just as quickly out of the room.
notices Kaoko's irritation. She eases of her chair and goes to the fridge. "Would you like anything to drink?"
Bring out that bottle of Tequiila Rose. I think I'd like some tonight.
brings out said bottle, gets two shot glasses from the cupboard and brings it all to the counter table.
notices the fact that Chrome brought out a glass for herself, and flashes the girl a smile. "You've got taste."
her an apologetic grin. "... I opened it earlier and took a sniff. It smelled really sweet ^^ And I'd like to taste it."
opened the bottle and carefully poured a measure of the drink in both shot glasses. Chrome hands Kaoko her glass and raises hers in salute
cheers to her also, and downs her shot in a single go.
all 0_o at the way the older woman downed her drink. She looks at her own, squares her shoulders, and also downs her drink in one go.
already pouring herself a second. "Haaa~"
that sweetness trace a rather fiery path down her throat and to her stomach.
... haaah! That was... ah, something! >_<"
that the alcohol was a bit irritating to her nose, but the sweetness of the drink made it bearable to drink
Is it your first time to try a hard drink?
nods. "Ken and Chikusa would give me beer sometimes when they're drinking, but not anything hard."
also pouring herself a second shot already ^^
Oho. Well, now that you're living here, you're going to have to learn what to drink.
You've got the holding your liquor part down pat by default. :3
had a bit of practice with that. Seeing Ken throw up quite a number of times taught her not to drink so fast ^^;
leans back, swishing her drink about in its glass. "We'll drag Kyouya in to join us next time we crack another bottle open~"
drank her second shot and savored the sweetness of the flavor while trying not to be overwhelmed by the tequila part
watches the girl with approval.
put down the shot glass on the counter with a grin on her face. She's liking this Tequila Rose drink a lot~ ^^
reaches for the bottle and pours herself her third!
Heh. I wish I could get Kyouya to drink like this.
He doesn't drink? At all? 0_o
Only a little, even though he's got the guts for it.
Sans the smoking and the pervert lover, he's a straight-laced kid. For the most part.
giggles at the "pervert lover" part. She's a bit tipsy by now >_< "He smokes but doesn't drink. My mother used to say..."
pauses at that, frowns, and just knocks down the third shot.
watching Chrome with some amusement. She's a little surprised that the girl can get tipsy, given her unique physiology.
"... you can't drink if you don't smoke, or vice-versa... or something like that"
why Kaoko was chuckling ._.?
while she pours her fourth of the night
reaches out and takes the girl's glass, finishing it off for her.
I think we'll stop there for you, young lady.
Baby steps, baby steps~ :3
all 0__o "Um... okay, Kaoko-san"
leans back again, breathing out a satisfied sigh. Quiet nights like these are hard to find.
take that sigh as a signal for her to go up to her room. Kaoko-san looked like she had been at those papers the whole day.
Kaoko-san, I'll be going to my room to sleep now. Um... thank you for letting me drink that ^^
Oh, heading up so soon? All right. o_o
Sleep well.
... you should rest now too.
In a bit~ I'll just finish this batch.
Mm. Okay. Good night, Kaoko-san. Thank you.
Kaoko-san a bow and heads out of the kitchen.
... if Kaoko-san hears some sort of thud moments later, that's just probably Chrome stumbling on the first step of the stairs >_<;