weiliang says
16 years ago
I am back from school woohoo
latest #43
cerridwen says
16 years ago
what kind of school?
weiliang says
16 years ago
haha university. long day for me
Trembesi says
16 years ago
welcome back wei.. hehe
weiliang says
16 years ago
hi all thanks for the welcome. hope you guys having fun without me around hahahaha
Trembesi says
16 years ago
lonely wei... (s_cozy)
Trembesi says
16 years ago
weiliang says
16 years ago
nah im not lonely at all. I got so much friends in sch and online. But without me i guess you all feel bored right (woot)
Trembesi says
16 years ago
weiliang is extremely confident... (g_thinking)
weiliang says
16 years ago
yes I am. Is that consider pros?
Trembesi says
16 years ago
RinNtakase : i have no idea
weiliang says
16 years ago
my dearest mum
Trembesi says
16 years ago
but its a good thing though
weiliang says
16 years ago
hmmm able to interact better?
Trembesi says
16 years ago
self confident is a good thing, isnt it?
Trembesi says
16 years ago
but in this case wei is over using it, i think... lol...
weiliang says
16 years ago
haha. I am just trying to arouse some conversation in here actually. I am not like that (s_LOL)
Trembesi says
16 years ago
you will do anything to raise ur karma... hehehe
weiliang says
16 years ago
not really actually. karma doesn't mean anything i feel. so are u chasing on karma japs?
Trembesi says
16 years ago
hehehe.... im not either... im chasing for fun here... :-)
Trembesi says
16 years ago
but i think plurk is not interesting enough if there is no karma to chase... isnt it ? (in my humble opinion)
weiliang says
16 years ago
haha ok. i be back later. off for dinner
Trembesi says
16 years ago
take ur time... hehehe....
weiliang says
16 years ago
haha the other plurk got me stuck here
Trembesi says
16 years ago
omg (g_doh) u're so plurked... hehehe
weiliang says
16 years ago
hahah. too long never on plurk. close to 24 hrs :-)
Trembesi says
16 years ago
go get ur dinner... or i will take it over from u.... hahaha
weiliang says
16 years ago
haha i am having the food now :-)
Trembesi says
16 years ago
(s_mmm) what are u having ?
weiliang says
16 years ago
simple home cook dish :-) you feel hungry don't you?
Trembesi says
16 years ago
hahaha... im full now. u cant even make my mouth watering... heheh...
feiticeirarose says
16 years ago
class on labor day?!?!
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