karim is
16 years ago
nonplussed that she didn't concede. :-o
latest #15
Scott Adams says
16 years ago
Hillary hasn't destroyed the party yet....don't you know she is actually a Republican!
karim says
16 years ago
is this like one of those "Mission: Impossible" episodes where she tears off her latex mask at the end and it's really John McCain?
Scott Adams says
16 years ago
actually its Fred Thompson and he will emphatically say in his acting mode from Red October "Shit ya I'm running"
16 years ago
Scott Adams says
16 years ago
Just like this Russians don't take a dump, son...
16 years ago
(LOL) I can almost see her voice dropping three octaves like that.
Heidi says
16 years ago
you're perplexed that she didn't concede? it's only surprising because the media had decided that's what she was going to do
16 years ago
well it was otherwise a classic concession speech... then BAM at the end she says "TO BE CONTINUED..."
16 years ago
should have had "Lost" closing credit music come in after her speech
Heidi says
16 years ago
maybe she's hoping to travel through a wormhole and win Iowa?
karim thinks
16 years ago
Desmond would tell her, "I'm sorry, brotha... but no matter how I try to change things... you still lose the nomination."
karim says
16 years ago
on the other hand Locke once thought "the numbers" didn't mean anything, either
Heidi says
16 years ago
has she gotten 4,815,162,342 votes?
16 years ago
Scott Adams thinks
16 years ago
once to commentary went to "Lost" I am lost!
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