theevilgeek is
16 years ago
full after an actually rather nice family BBQ
latest #12
humhum says
16 years ago
why is everyone full... i had hamburgers for the 3rd meal tonight.. ugh. glad to hear it was a nice BBQ though :-) sometimes they're not nice
theevilgeek says
16 years ago
i not so full anymore... now I need some FUDGE... good...
humhum says
16 years ago
haha fudge.. is late!
whee says
16 years ago
i want bbq. it's coming soon.....
humhum says
16 years ago
do we have a grill?
whee says
16 years ago
no i dont think so. but ruf has bbq. sunday.
whybang says
16 years ago
mmmm BBQ. not that i miss american bbq that much. i wonder how i lived so long away from this blissful world of korean cuisine?
theevilgeek says
16 years ago
I hath nary once nibble'd upon yan succulent loins; nay, but thrice hath i lay mine tongue 'gainst the warm'd flesh of a chicken bulgokied.
theevilgeek says
16 years ago
theevilgeek says
16 years ago
Nary once, hath I nibble'd upon yan succulent loins; nay, but thrice hath i lay mine tongue 'gainst the warm'd flesh of a chicken bulgokied
theevilgeek says
16 years ago
but t'was at spice, alack.
humhum says
16 years ago
oh geek.. haha
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