Juvin Ng says
14 years ago
damn tired today, yst late sleep cuz my grandma keep chat wif me on bed
latest #7
kilyee says
14 years ago
Haha... ur grandma can't sleep, so u need to accompany her
tekjau says
14 years ago
tell her, ah mah, besok gua ade kerja
Juvin Ng says
14 years ago
kilyee: hahaha.... actually everyday i oso sleep beside her wan. :-)
Juvin Ng says
14 years ago
tekjau: wa gong liao. then she oso let me sleep. but the stiry haven finish, i will reply her again. then will continues the stiry again
Juvin Ng says
14 years ago
kilyee says
14 years ago
(thinking) I was wondering ape tu "stiry".. tot I have missed out some new "trendy" word (rofl)
Juvin Ng says
14 years ago
hahahahahah!!! after i write it baru perasan.... sorry ya
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