14 years ago
secondary 3 life just isn't the same anymore.. so many new faces.. so many weird things going on..
latest #23
14 years ago
too.. New.
14 years ago
so.. 陌生.
S abrina
14 years ago
yucky sec 3 life.
silveragnes (:
14 years ago
it's the start of something new.
14 years ago
LOL. Guess we'll have to adapt to life.
silveragnes (:
14 years ago
Sec 3 is also honeymoon year. :-D
14 years ago
Really meh..? i thought secondary 2 was like the best.
14 years ago
really. sigh, might as well say sec1 year was the slackiest.
S abrina
14 years ago
i loved sec 1.
S abrina
14 years ago
love love love love it.
silveragnes (:
14 years ago
sec 1 i find it very stress cos new school new people new subjects...>.< sec 2 is slackiest.
silveragnes (:
14 years ago
but sec 3 still can play. :-D
14 years ago
14 years ago
yeah.. i think secondary 2 best coz' we know who to talk to and keep away from weirdos.
S abrina
14 years ago
weirdos. lol.
S abrina
14 years ago
sec 3 still can play?????? o.o
silveragnes (:
14 years ago
caaaaaaaaaaaan. When you think you're smart enough, you can play. Go ask LZH if you don't believe. (LOL)
14 years ago
yeah lor, people from 3e4 confirm can one la.
14 years ago
people like me cmi.
silveragnes (:
14 years ago
yeah. people like you can make it. ;-)
14 years ago
i from sec 3 play till sec 4 end. can ask me. 3e5 people oso can play :-D
silveragnes (:
14 years ago
yay you online. xD
14 years ago
LOL. welcome back
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