Yannerz says
15 years ago
Hemichordata and Chordata, YER MINE.
latest #12
15 years ago
Forever Alone says
15 years ago
Chordata...that includes us!
Yannerz says
15 years ago
www.plurk.com/melukia: sea lampreys are hideous. I swear (LOL)
Yannerz says
15 years ago
www.plurk.com/LoneRebel: yep yep! and we're sorry excuses of chordates really. (rofl)
Forever Alone says
15 years ago
yannei: I know...billions of years of evolution and the result was me. (lmao)
Lost Kitty says
15 years ago
Yannerz says
15 years ago
www.plurk.com/LoneRebel: HAHAHAHA! awww don't be like that (LOL) humans have only been around for 300,000 years...
Yannerz says
15 years ago
we're practically newcomers here on earth :-o we still have a some millions of years to.. err.. change? (lmao)
Forever Alone says
15 years ago
yannei: Yeah, homo sapiens has only been around for a while. But I was looking at the entire evolutionary history of life on earth.
Forever Alone says
15 years ago
y'know, if you believe in the humanity as the pinnacle of evolution thing. (haha)
Yannerz says
15 years ago
www.plurk.com/LoneRebel: well, I suppose (LOL) bipeds = (rock)
Forever Alone says
15 years ago
at least we're not unicellular anymore...
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