saw Yesung look-alike @ salon. His hair ftw!
latest #29
I saw Jaebum look alike, really f alike!
today is "celeb look alike day"!
&& yes kyuraisha! Heechul's a Atheist!
Lol, cheer up, better than being ditched
Don't be sad, you will see yours soon!
Lol!! Be careful, cuz if the person realise, it would be damn embarrassing!
Lol, does Weilin know I stalked Jaebum look alike?
what the hell does that mean?
Weilin, be patient, we learn Korean after Os xD
like how to type and all.
HAHA, walau, don't go ahead of me, later you pro lvl, im still rookie
cuz im just getting to familiarize with the korean keyboard thingy.
so next time when I learn the hanja, it will be much easier for me to type~
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