haha..with hope church cg..1st time join their cg ==
hope church de o............ ok.... go see see....
lol~ c c luk luk .. join a few time service, tink ok ..may stay ..
o? dont want back pcc le ma?
miss ya .... bec to PCC......
see ba~ sia and cheryl is insanely miss you...so come back ba... by the way xiao qiang also miss...==
..........if u mention xiao qiang again.... i will lock u with xiao qiang together in the toilet~~~~~~~~~ FOREVER n EVER~~~!!!! ==
haha... i wil help u buy a big lock n lock him inside~!!!! yeah~~~
haha.... den seetho s christian hse toilet's PR........... stay thr FOREVER~~!!!

wowowoowowowoowowowowoowowwohoho hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohhoho....... =D
ei?? ya wo~~~~ wey, seetho, toilet oso rent de hor~~~ RM200 per month~~~ yes~~~ can earn money .... not bad....
toilet is "him" de...i cant take his place le...
no.. 'he' stay at bathroom... u can rent toilet~~~ ^^
sorry hor~~~ this house... everywer is christian house de, not "him " de~~ so, u share the renter with "him"
what a good idea... but "he" refuse to let me in...so forget it ba...
sorry..u n "him" ady...built up deep relationship since u were kid...so...u can share with "him". "he" udn mind... cum bah...wait u...fast~~
=.=...then you discuss with "him" tonight see can or not...around 1am...
he only can accept my order~~!! no nid discuss~~!! and he disappear long time liao.... kekkeke
but "he" tell me he will be back...the return of "him"...
return ur head~~~ in ME, no more RETURN~~!!!
-.-...ok lo...hope cheryl will someday 和解...
和解?? forever wont happend in my life time..... dun think le.
cheryl,he giv u little strong..u giv me,i help u breed n throw him...hahahahaha
haha.... i ask him directly giv u la.... no nid pass thru here....==