Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
as I watched Obama last night I wondered if being US President and having small children is really a good idea...
latest #20
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
Now I wonder about the VP choice Palin having an infant... seriously are either of these situations good for the children?
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
Don't want to pick sides (Dem or Rep) but I wonder about parents in these high pressure, extremely demanding jobs, without time to parent.
kshelton says
16 years ago
that is an excellent question to ponder benhazzard. I bet most people don't care
bbelardi says
16 years ago
can they give 100% to both their families and their careers 100% of the time? Don't think I could...
kshelton says
16 years ago
bbelardi and most definitely not in the white house!!! Most pressure filled job in the world!!
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
so true... I know I struggle with balance in my life and I'm not in the white house!
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
When is it ok to not give 100% to the family unit?
kinderteacher says
16 years ago
never! :-)
Cliotech wonders
16 years ago
what Back to School Night and parent conferences will look like for them (g_thinking)
mindelei says
16 years ago
If executives of corporations are any example - then the family will be playing second fiddle and will likely come with a nanny or two.
astoeckel says
16 years ago
I'm sure all these execs and politicians have nanny's. It's happening where my daughter teachers. parents commute to NYC and have $$$ homes.
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
there are so many practical reasons not to have kids that if we decided with our intellect, our population would be in trouble.
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
i'm not against the having of children... I wonder about the choice to pursue this job (Pres or VP) when a family is so young
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
I understand Ben. I guess I feel from my life experiences and from teaching that good parents find ways to interact w/their kids and make
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
them feel treasured.
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
Bad parents can be home all day w/ them and it still won't matter.
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
Some people are destined to be busy, and could really talk themselves out of having kids.
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
But I think that's just one factor. Personally, I would never want to put my kids in that position. But Amy Carter, Caroline Kennedy and
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
Chelsea Clinton might be the ones to ask. Caroline and Amy never ran for office did they?
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