adbullock is
16 years ago
struggling to overcome writer's block today. This is rare for me but the words just aren't coming.
latest #8
Hope says
16 years ago
Do something different for a few minutes.
Hope says
16 years ago
*ahem* .....besides Plurking. ;-)
adbullock says
16 years ago
haha...I tried that. I have a nice clean desk, laundry going, and a chicken boiling for dinner. Looks like I'm going to have to just do it.
adbullock says
16 years ago
But plurkrastinating is so much fun.
Jenn says
16 years ago
decribe a leaf in twenty-five words, and then describe why you described the leaf in 50 words. :-D
Hope says
16 years ago
Okay.....then it's time for a Writing Burst. Write for 15 minutes, about anything or nothing. It's just to prime your "pump". GO! :-)
Jenn says
16 years ago
I wrote about how the smell of perfume keeps wafting through my open window, and twisted it into some fiction. :LD
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