truejerseygirl hates
16 years ago
when politicians pander to women. (s_angry)
latest #32
16 years ago
It would have only been better if he had picked a black woman. (g_lol)
TheDudeDean asks
16 years ago
Are there any black women republicans?
16 years ago
C. Rice
JAG says
16 years ago
TheDudeDean says
16 years ago
Shit I forgot all about her.
b_c wonders
16 years ago
why the choice = pandering.
16 years ago
(g_doh)Oh man he needs a pimp cane
paulthe says
16 years ago
"I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent." James Watt, Secretary of Interior under Reagan
16 years ago
Too bad he couldn't find a Jewish black woman with a limp. ;-)
paulthe says
16 years ago
DougE how about that plus a pro-life anti-same sex marriage lesbian?
16 years ago
Its pandering because she is a first term gov. He picked her only becuase she's female, not because she is qualified.
paulthe says
16 years ago
plus very conservative.
paulthe says
16 years ago
I agree with you truejerseygirl
16 years ago
Its like, pick a woman and women will automatically vote for you. I hope we arent that stupid. I know Im not.
b_c thinks
16 years ago
it's more likely **men** are that way (automatic voters) than women. Just my experience.
jooblie says
16 years ago
yes, but they pander to everyone (s_tongue)
16 years ago
but but but her ass is so much smaller than HRC's. (g_lol)
16 years ago
women want to see a woman in office (myself included). But a QUALIFIED woman. Who is actually pro-women's causes.
16 years ago
DougE Dont make me withhold today's FUCK from you.
TheDudeDean says
16 years ago
Give it to me instead.
16 years ago
Oh the things I do for a good FUCK. ;-)
16 years ago
It is a change from the usual Washington crowd for sure.
16 years ago
So they shoud ignore us then? It's politicians jobs to pander, and I'm glad women are finally on their radar.
truejerseygirl says
16 years ago
theres a difference between pandering and paying attention to our needs. Choose a qualified woman, and Id support her
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