Miss. Hippo says
14 years ago
SERIOUSLY , i hate her !
latest #10
Cheryl, says
14 years ago
shush shush
Miss. Hippo says
14 years ago
okay okay . secret ar . :]
Cheryl, says
14 years ago
Miss. Hippo says
14 years ago
heehee . u're the only one know that . xD
Cheryl, says
14 years ago
woah, im so lucky
Miss. Hippo says
14 years ago
hahahaha . she is bla bla bla . i don't wan to say bad word . i'm good girl . xD
Cheryl, says
14 years ago
Miss.Retarted♥ says
14 years ago
hate who wehy ? me jekks ? ><
Miss. Hippo says
14 years ago
not lar . u sot mehh ? xD
Miss.Retarted♥ says
14 years ago
lol . tot is me mar . but ii ask uu who uu also wont tell punya . x.x .
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