16 years ago
Would you ever consider the 'disable comments' option in Plurk? We are here for the conversation, right?
latest #7
TeachaKidd says
16 years ago
I did it as a joke way back here: www.plurk.com/p/107aa
16 years ago
Interesting. Didn't know that was possible.
mindelei says
16 years ago
I don't know why you would....who just makes "announcements" here anyway?
the TIRED guy says
16 years ago
People who reside on Twitter and post here via Ping.fm only because they can.
16 years ago
I think I might try that. Afterall, I am really only here so people can listen to me. (g_doh) ;-)
SergSam says
16 years ago
Of course not, the idea is to stay in touch, people disabling that option should be banned, lolo just kidding :-P
16 years ago
I see. Some just Plurk because another app reposts all their statuses.
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