even talk to me about it. And I am feeling like the crowd is trying to stone me now, lol.
Nope, no one usually knows what goes on with Chad. He's kind of enigmatic that way.
who knows what lurks in the mind of a little duck?
he's first friend. I communicate with him well, I think he got mad, I dont know why, He is Mr supreme so wtf?as far as I am concerned.
somebody piss him ff, hehe?
I know that the day he left plurk...he had done some massive negative plurking in almost everyone else's threads...
then posted at least 8 or so of his own plurks that basically insulted plurk and the people who enjoy plurking
they didn't last long because he quit shortly after that outburst
he was angry, ty, Nelly. I knew that, but still don't know why. He is an almost pathalogical rational person. So I ask why.
ask him. None of us know why.
he is so angry he doesn't want to talk about it, Rach.
then you'll never find out, because if someone knew I'm sure they would have said.
I think, I think. and I will be busy like you, Rach as you start your new job. and I think
hmmmmmmm I am angry too. is this a good thing for my life?
is this a productive use of my time> hmmmm
being angry is never a good thing.
but it was nice to get to know you all. and that was a wonderful thing about plurk.\
yah it is nice to get to know everyone, but in a good positive way,not a negative way.
hmmm, never considered judging pos or neg. only get to know who you all are.
actually you scare me with the jndgement thing, Rach, even before you said that, and I am so recklass as to tell you.
theres a lot of positive and negative on plurk tonight.
no sense of self preservatuiom always thinking she is above the fray. Dilly me.
Never was defeated in anything that mattered to me, so I am too cocky.
you are most definitely NOT above the fray, Karmel. You are the fray.
lays herself flat and says, Rach do your worst, lol.
stick me wid needles, tell everyone I am bad. Lol, I hope you have a good life and I will try to, too.
if i say goodnigfht will you not say I am plurking too much? Yes, and this is the start of a new yr for me.
gotta make some cash
if you say goodnight you will make me very happy.
I find it amazing that so many extremely polite and genuine requests for you to chill come to this. Well done Karm.
I repaet, fuck off, Luce.
are you even reading what I wrote? I'm not even being mean to you. Just please stop with the hateful remarks and try to be reasonable.
nanananan, but I still love you
I live by love and reason. Only the occasional Luce drives me to :fuck off"
throws up her hands and gives up
So... you're back just to piss on plurk and the people who enjoy it? Nice. Not everyone uses it for gossip & drama. It is what you make it.
But then, you seem to be set in your negative opinion about it, Chad. Coming back to rail on it... that's not a waste of time at all...
since it's a public forum, the gossip & chatter isn't that different from what you get in local chat at events
which you also might not like... but here people have more space to share non-trivia events and youtube stuff
and have more extended conversations that would normally get interrupted by a question
and i love that it makes me feel connected when SL logins are disabled
the big problem with communication in SL is that most takes place either completely publicly or one-on-one. so unless you have a particular
reason to IM someone, you might never get to know them. plurk lets so many conversations take place simultaneously that there are people i
have known for a while but have only *gotten* to know on plurk. it fosters friendship and is open to all.
steps away from the pulpit
Well said, Lette
Like Lette said, the important thing here is staying connected with your friends. Takes only 2 characters to say "hi" .. just saying.
different format, different kind of communication. blogs are necessarily focused on one person. a forum would be cool (i prefer them myself)
but this seems to work well for this group. it *is* a tremendous time-waster. but that's not the same as a waste of time.
I also use it to share SLurls and SL finds to a group of friends I probably wouldn't bother to notify individually inworld. It's a resource.
shares 15 years ago
I find out more about my SL friends here and things going on in-world than I do when I am there
Like I said, it is what you make it. There's a helluva lot more gossip and bullshit that goes on inworld. My timeline is pretty gossip free.
And that's all I have to say. I'm not wasting my energy trying to discuss this with someone that came in with a mind snapped firmly shut.
agrees with what's been said
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
-Bertrand Russell