KKips gives
14 years ago
Rach props for being direct in explaining Raches's concerns. K is odd, certainly in this plurk friendcircle. And strange that some think
latest #99
14 years ago
i drink when I do not. Maybe not that strange when condsider the odd reaction I have faced all my life. I was the girl who didn't recognise
14 years ago
societies limitations. And really didn't even see them. I did what I did and I still and who I am.
Honey asks
14 years ago
with much respect, have you thought of starting a blog?
14 years ago
it is really like I hear a differnt voice. And really, voice is thirdary to me. First movement-kinestetic, then visual.
14 years ago
but I had enough verbal to blow their socks off when I presented my designs in srch school so long ago, as ref in drunkplurk.
14 years ago
finished top 10 in over 100 and only 3 girls gittin called "ie" on the end of their name. So, I sigh, and think...
14 years ago
why am I even havin this converstion... welll, it's because I want to keep up and know what is going on... so pls gimme a break.
14 years ago
whadda want from me... maybe I can't keep reading all this stuff without making remarks.
14 years ago
ch, hehe
14 years ago
dang... ate most of what i said. oh, well, there was Rach and bedpan things in there i probaly shouldn't have, anyway.
Borkotron says
14 years ago
it's totally cool to make remarks, i said that to you, but you take it to another level. Which some of us don't appreciate.
14 years ago
Nobody doubts that you're an amazing woman, Karmel. And in the right plurk, it's fascinating to hear your stories
Alanna says
14 years ago
I agree with Circe and I echo Honey's question about the blog.
Alanna says
14 years ago
Karmel, you've mentioned several times that plurk is not your medium, maybe a blog would be better.
14 years ago
It's just that they're starting to take over everyone else's plurks too. A quick comment or two on how it relates to you is great,
Alanna says
14 years ago
you'd have much more space in which to express yourself. You could make it creative. Take advantage of your strengths.
Alanna says
14 years ago
Then you can plurk us when you have a new entry. :-)
14 years ago
but taking the thread in a completely random direction isn't nice. That's why it's cool we can all start our own threads :-)
Alanna says
14 years ago
sorry, I interrupted your plurk, Circe. :-)
14 years ago
ty, flattering, Alanna but I may scale back-no blog time as retail enviornment sucks. I may take another job on my way to physical fitness
14 years ago
job goal. Well, lol, pls think of me as a gma aclimating to new enviroment... I had this time this yr to be here
14 years ago
maybe not so much in the future. Ty Alanna, for being here.
14 years ago
and sweetie Circrie
Lette says
14 years ago
Karmel, I echo what others said, and after initial setup, I think the idea for the blog would be that when you get into a talkative mood,
Lette says
14 years ago
you'd be able to say everything that's on your mind there instead of in other people's plurks on other topics.
Lette says
14 years ago
So in other words, it shouldn't take any additional time out of your life. It would be the same amount of time you spend on plurk.
14 years ago
ok, but probaly got this out of my system sorry to annoy you all. Probaly moving on and don't feel a need to pontificate regularly, ty.
14 years ago
actually found the most interesting thing was understanding who the personalities of the "trivia community" are.
14 years ago
I am not so adept at social interaction, so this has been a good way to get to know you all.
14 years ago
but now I know who the dear friends of my heart really are, and will not name them here, but there are a number!
14 years ago
and my initial impression that mysterious Leete is queen is true as far as I can tell and still cannot see past image (worship)
14 years ago
but respect Lette and most all others.
14 years ago
ok, am naming, but dpm
Alanna says
14 years ago
I don't think this has been a good way for you to find out anything, Karmel. We don't know you and you don't know us.
14 years ago
don't get mad if I forget sumboddy, this is not an inclusive list.
14 years ago
Cully who has not only a kind heart, but a world of experience and patience.
14 years ago
I am definately gonna get in trouble for who I dont say, crap.
14 years ago
I don'
14 years ago
know how to do this. But Lotus for her calm and reasonable perfecrion.
14 years ago
and brilliant Becks for her abililty I never saw in all my life for the verbal and who would think it would be combined with a kind heart.
14 years ago
this is taking a toll already, I am shaking.
14 years ago
Mako the voice of reason.
14 years ago
Circe I would like to be, tho I know her little, she seems nice.
14 years ago
Josh, closer to my heart than you would expect. I am often just as firey and whatever as you.
14 years ago
Starla one of my first choices of friend in SL for her unerring logic.
14 years ago
Endearing Lou, who is my choice for artist supreme, quirky tho she is, and maybe inseperable from the artistic genious.
14 years ago
Hilda and Kiri can I put you both together even thou you have distinct qualities, but you both are becons of reason.
14 years ago
and the closest to me, Hilda and Kiri, so I didn't feel so odd aferall, that you are thee.
14 years ago
Darling Six, Devin.
14 years ago
I hope your life only goes up from here.
14 years ago
you deserve goodness, and I hope ou will be able to give your children everything you want.
14 years ago
Luci... you are a worthwhile person! I like you.
14 years ago
Juke I hardly know you, your amnner made me confess a shocking amount pers info (no telling! Maybe it was rose, or your hair. hmmm kindness.
14 years ago
14 years ago
Luce, you bitch, you. lol. I was in my day. I think you are what you are and there is more good than bad.
14 years ago
Rach-awful thing I keep finding out people who f* me are nurses. So, you started out on my wrong side. I want to change. (heart) (cozy)
14 years ago
Billy 2x (worship)
Hilda says
14 years ago
Karm,if you believe me to be a beacon of reason, listen to me-please stop Plurking right now. Just.Stop.
14 years ago
Alanna I don't know you welland mostly Metal Shop, but wow, np and nice to know you.
Hilda says
14 years ago
Don't say goodnight - we won't take it as rudeness.Just stop.If you can't sleep,read a book,watch a movie,anything but Plurk. Please.
Luce, Esq.
14 years ago
LOL!!! (LOL) omg you are just the funniest Karmie!
Honey says
14 years ago
save your breath Hilda, we have tried to no avail, listened to insults and now praise of certain ppl...it is sickening
14 years ago
I am totally shaking but stand by by appreciaton for cully, lotus ane billy2x in that order. Althoght the weird think is Sharon isn't here
14 years ago
and she is most certainly one that topie tippe list and Becks is, too.
14 years ago
(rofl)even thougn she regularly regaales you wsith the what not!
14 years ago
knows B will understand and still shakes.
14 years ago
aspires to be so entertaining as Becks and Sharon, so Lotus will love her best. Altho no one can be Nelly (kicks Nelly a bit)
Nelly says
14 years ago
guess I don't merit a mention.... but maybe thats a good thing (thinking)
14 years ago
kicks and stomps Nelly and says sorry becaue K really thinks Nelly is very nice.
14 years ago
doen't want Nelly to be kicked and stomped by Lotus, and asks if arbirary love sucks really wants to be a helpful person to Nelly if necc.
KKips thinks
14 years ago
Nelly mighta had the s* kicked outa her by Lotus, but hesitates to say, since Lotus gives event lindens.
14 years ago
doubts Lotus could be so cruel.
14 years ago
true, Nelly?
Nelly says
14 years ago
I couldn't have asked for a better best friend than Lotus, nothing cruel about her...
Nelly says
14 years ago
...except maybe her repeated denials of my partnership offers
KKips says
14 years ago
just kiddin :-)
14 years ago
reconsiders gettin in the middle of this.
Nelly says
14 years ago
its all just good fun Karm... Lotus knows I'm rarely serious... ours is trully just a platonic love :-)
14 years ago
yes, you and Lotus seem swell. (girlkiss)
14 years ago
and omg so many other wonderful personalities to appreciate, and I have to scroll back to see did I already do them?!
14 years ago
Lemming Cinna did I mention how the fate of our future is in your hands and our country's prioritys suc, in this respect?
14 years ago
M.Lill needs no further reinforsement because she is already too full of herself (quit stealing my words, ok?) and wise Lette. enuf said.
14 years ago
ok, Miss lill, ok, your stuff is nice. Rolls eyes.
14 years ago
Those not here. Dear Trebor had pretty damn good judgement about people and told me before I had to spend all this plurk time finding out.
14 years ago
Amazing Sharon!!!!
14 years ago
ok, this is the hazard of doing this... I know someone I really care about was not in this plurk. lemme know.. see you tommorrow.
14 years ago
Cynoir and Carter, interesting voices of sl building and reason.
Luce, Esq.
14 years ago
Don't fuck with Lillian.
14 years ago
did I mention, fuck off, Luce?
Luce, Esq.
14 years ago
14 years ago
:-) (cozy) luce
Lette says
14 years ago
Karmel, please don't insult my partner in the same sentence that you call me wise.
Lette says
14 years ago
You accuse others of being judgmental, but it seems you're constantly judging.
14 years ago
yes, well judging is pretty epidemic around here.
我 Tansie
14 years ago
*sigh* Please stop doing this to your friends, and to yourself, Karm.
Miss Lillian says
14 years ago
wow..(tears) full of myself? I've never been called that in my life. Ever. by anyone. ..karm..I defended you. Now I don't know why.
Honey says
14 years ago
Lillian, try not to take the comments as personal as I am...I am being totally ignored in private plurks.
Honey says
14 years ago
You are one of the kindest, most fun-loving ppl I know in SL, Lillian...its a shame she doesnt see that.
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