babybri says
16 years ago
I love milk and it really helps in growing taller. But why it doesnt apply on me? Sob Sob :-(
latest #11
SeanOng90 says
16 years ago
haha.. ur growing process stop d mah
babybri says
16 years ago
Not stop but it just processing very slowly...... =(
SeanOng90 says
16 years ago
haha.. lol..
SeanOng90 says
16 years ago
do u hv a blog? hehe. bt ur 17 d mah.. bout time u stp growing.. me ley d stop d since im 18
babybri says
16 years ago
yes! i have
SeanOng90 says
16 years ago
k. got it
babybri says
16 years ago
thanks! you?
Cudd says
16 years ago
guys really don't care how tall a girl is so don't worry too much about it
SeanOng90 says
16 years ago
babybri says
16 years ago
Yay! =D
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