Pandaa says
14 years ago
christmas tomorrow and M.Net KM Music Video Festival 2008 (rock)
latest #84
Ducky says
14 years ago
yea man.. 1.30pm.. n im not gonna watch.. :'-(
14 years ago
why ? :-o
Ducky says
14 years ago
huhu.. 1st tv cant c.. den.. am going out.. :-P
14 years ago
lol - mnet sucks cause 8tv sucks (angry)
Ducky says
14 years ago
o.O waeyo? wat happen? :-o
14 years ago
they cut a lot of things wei. i'm soo stress even oppa's performance they cutted.
14 years ago
and the show should be start on 1:30 but lamabat 30 mins cause of jerry yan (annoyed)
Ducky says
14 years ago
WTH!!!!!!(angry) man! they cut perf? %#$^&%#$^$%
vivienne ★
14 years ago
...i didnt know -____________-
vivienne ★
14 years ago
almost finish already my dad only call me to watch *&*&*@&#*(@
Ducky says
14 years ago
14 years ago
lol - i knew it from mas. &seriously I kept cursing infront of the TV. the iklan also sekejap je , like tk sampai 1 min. =.=
vivienne ★
14 years ago
ikr 8tv. memang like that
vivienne ★
14 years ago
tv3 oso. that day i watching Adventures of Merlin at langkawi, damn potong steam lo when really exciting part coming out
vivienne ★
14 years ago
14 years ago
i was so excited that time to see jae's rap then *poof* olay's ad =.=
14 years ago
and a stupid ppl said " hey cassie, try to understand. they ripped their shirt in the perf that's why they cut it"
vivienne ★
14 years ago
olay whitening cream lol
vivienne ★
14 years ago
14 years ago
FCK OFF !! mana ada ?!!! (angry)
vivienne ★
14 years ago
i was like `eh. random much`. haha
14 years ago
they even cut 2PM's part in WG+2PM perf.
vivienne ★
14 years ago
orly. D<
vivienne ★
14 years ago
and summore the closing ceremony where got so cacat one.
vivienne ★
14 years ago
i remmbered everyone went to the stage with loads of bouncing balls and colorful stuff
vivienne ★
14 years ago
SHINee boys were playing with it, cause I saw the fancam for dunno how many zillion times roflrofl
Ducky says
14 years ago
=.= national tv
14 years ago
lol - my sis even complaint "ppl watch this show cause the majority wanna see dbsk =.= "
vivienne ★
14 years ago
memang la. haha
vivienne ★
14 years ago
cause mostly m'sian know only tvxq and ss501 ma.
Ducky says
14 years ago
14 years ago
viv, don't forget suju XD
vivienne ★
14 years ago
you think our country lalas know suju ah -_- they only know tvxq la. `omg hero so lengchai. omg u-know`
vivienne ★
14 years ago
omg bitch shut the fuck up -_-
Ducky says
14 years ago
lol... ero so pretty la!
Ducky says
14 years ago
vivienne ★
14 years ago
ya -_-
vivienne ★
14 years ago
in school you know. then i go rampas their magazine rofl. then read in the pengawas room XDDD
14 years ago
Ducky says
14 years ago
LOL! salah guna kuasa!
vivienne ★
14 years ago
apa. memang boleh rampas ma. i ketua disiplin leh haha.
14 years ago
haha, good job viv.
vivienne ★
14 years ago
thank you -waves at crowd-
14 years ago
i'm sure times square gonna be crowded with lalas tomorrow . geez - bad timing ! I planned to go there tomorrow. (doh)
Ducky says
14 years ago
LOL!!! i think they must b cursing like hell! (lmao)
vivienne ★
14 years ago
i curse more than them hahaha
vivienne ★
14 years ago
times square alot of malay lalas i tell you.
vivienne ★
14 years ago
malay boys with gel hair and shades. girls wearing floral long dresses as if they were from bunga island -_- with shades, of course.
14 years ago
seriously ? that's soo ewww. hahaha, i usually call them as rempit
vivienne ★
14 years ago
ah. thats the word!
vivienne ★
14 years ago
and all the fake nike bags -_- eye sore la
vivienne ★
14 years ago
the hair gel like, crazy only. like use the whole bottle of gel wtffffffff
Ducky says
14 years ago
== spray whole can i think..==
vivienne ★
14 years ago
14 years ago
haha, yea yea. and then their gf trying to look hot . when i see those type of ppl i feel like wanna scream "WANNABE WANNABE"
vivienne ★
14 years ago
show them middle finger and walk away la rofl
Ducky says
14 years ago
Ducky says
14 years ago
Ducky says
14 years ago
Ducky says
14 years ago
a finger too many..XD
14 years ago
i've said 'eww' to a couple before and then i laughed
14 years ago
(LOL) they terasa gila XD
vivienne ★
14 years ago
vivienne ★
14 years ago
_|_ ^^ _|_
vivienne ★
14 years ago
two hands like this rofl
Ducky says
14 years ago
14 years ago
cause two of them were like manja2 then i see them and said eww while walking (LOL)
14 years ago
my sis was behind and said they stared at me
vivienne ★
14 years ago
yer. manja. yer. ew.
vivienne ★
14 years ago
show them the shocked face la HAHHA
vivienne ★
14 years ago
O-O apala babi ini roflll
Ducky says
14 years ago
LOL! show tongue? lol. kena belasah!
14 years ago
(lmao) i should say "don't do this at the public please"
Ducky says
14 years ago
lol.. "im underage"
vivienne ★
14 years ago
snap pictures of them and call the police la
Ducky says
14 years ago
lol.. syariah?
14 years ago
nah, called JAIS (devil)
vivienne ★
14 years ago
...apa tu.
Ducky says
14 years ago
14 years ago
jabatan agama islam selangor.
Ducky says
14 years ago
o.o wat hukuman they get?
vivienne ★
14 years ago
14 years ago
Ducky says
14 years ago
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