Terry says
14 years ago
1/2 of my carry-ons are work stuff :-&
latest #10
mrhowardwang says
14 years ago
you planning on working 1/2 the time you are here in TWN?
Terry says
14 years ago
yes - I don't know why everything is due right after the new year
mrhowardwang says
14 years ago
mrhowardwang says
14 years ago
terryhuang: doesn't seem like you sleep much terry... you plurk at really odd hours...
Terry says
14 years ago
because I'm travelling la haha - I usually sleep at 11 and wake up aat 6
bonbon says
14 years ago
6pm ? impressed! I can barely wake up at 7:15, struggle so much every morning
Alicia says
14 years ago
poor Terry..hope you don't need to think about your work when you are taking a hot spring
mrhowardwang says
14 years ago
terry might bring his laptop to the hot spring :-P
Terry says
14 years ago
they won't let me I think (tears)
bonbon says
14 years ago
poor kid!
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