amanina987654321 will
14 years ago
work on her karma starting from tmr
latest #10
14 years ago
why tomorrow? D:
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
im in penang now. cnt online so often :-(
14 years ago
oh~ so how can u on9 nao? O.O
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
curi line apartment next to our hotel, heheh
14 years ago
LMAO!!! it works? XD so cool leerrr~
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
waa if only i can do that T_t
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
idk, this neighbor is so nice la, i bet, most of th ppl here curik his line, xD
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
hahaha he will be confused why his line is so slow XD
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
lol ya rite!
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
hahah XD
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