amanina987654321 thinks
14 years ago
omg omg, karma decreasing!
latest #10
14 years ago
same situation ==;
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
lol unni! congrats! ure chosen as wonder ELF!
14 years ago
i just knew it today and is overwhelmed x_______x
14 years ago
idk how to reply to ppl's congrats naooo~~
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
lol, u were nt there when ure nominated ke? ure so great la unni, i envy u
14 years ago
wth envious. you shud envy ppl who earns lots of money and had bright future ahead, LMAO
14 years ago
i wasn't there. was at the capital, doing the thing~
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
as an elf,i envy a human,i envy people with beauty and kindness and rich and lucky and got nice bf and have a career. =o=
amanina987654321 says
14 years ago
lol. nice explaination hee. *ketuk kpala sendiri*
jungkeuri says
14 years ago
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