calvinismeee says
14 years ago
i will make it drop.. watch me.. :-P
latest #49
xinning says
14 years ago
make apa drop?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
errrrr...make your karma drop..? lol..
xinning says
14 years ago
seriously? oh no..i'm flattered
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
you dun have to be..
xinning says
14 years ago
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
xinning says
14 years ago
make apa drop ler
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
ntg talking
xinning says
14 years ago
oh no..ban leng..what did u do uh?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
huh? did i do anything? geee..wht you doing all this while to fill your free time?
xinning says
14 years ago
books..and most of all, homework ==
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
oo..boring..i thought i must go get some comics de..haha
xinning says
14 years ago
better than you...what do u do?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
whts better? do everything tht i could posibly do..
xinning says
14 years ago
for example?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago the damn hse chores..
xinning says
14 years ago
wheeeee. good i like it
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
wht it? its so damn boring..
xinning says
14 years ago
i blur tiao laa ==
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
lol..good for yu..continue bluring..
xinning says
14 years ago
lol like jeff uh? LOL
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
yup yup..he enjoys bluring..hahaha..
xinning says
14 years ago
lol too bad i dun. ejoy blurring i mean
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
oo.okay okay.. then stop bluring and wake up..go drink some wine to wake yourself up..
xinning says
14 years ago
i dun like no wine...
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
okay..nvm just curb blurring then..bad habit..xDD..
xinning says
14 years ago
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
lol.....................................hows christmas??
xinning says
14 years ago
was great. urs?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
err..,the crap-iest christmas i evr had..!
xinning says
14 years ago
hahahha why?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
cause i feel so pissed of myself suddenly tht all i wish for christmas is a better self..
xinning says
14 years ago
so why issit so crappy?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
because i dun feel good on this special occasion..
xinning says
14 years ago
oh..and cz u're pissed? lol
calvinismeee says
14 years ago worst christmas..i miss my yunger days mia christmas..partying til 4 in the morningby the beach
xinning says
14 years ago
younger days == why pissed?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
yup yup..pissed by my oh-so-hounorable-parents..and other stuffs..its over now..forget it..get on with life..!
xinning says
14 years ago
okay..good..motivated by the game?
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
no..those get girls tactics are very bad things..shud nt get too affected or influenced by it..
xinning says
14 years ago
LOL. dei i still dun get to SEE la..ish
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
lol..step 1 select your target
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
step 2 go to her
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
step 3 you start a wonderful topic and take charge of the whole thing..
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
step4 isolate the target
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
step5 create and emotional connection
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
calvinismeee says
14 years ago
the rest are obscene
xinning says
14 years ago
LOL miao miao i want see
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