gmarie says
16 years ago
I can not believe Hillary gets this sort of reception at the DNC - why is she not leading the ticket!!!
latest #8
Glyphrunner says
16 years ago
I believe it's because more people voted for Obama throughout the caucuses than they did for Clinton. :-D:-D
Glyphrunner says
16 years ago
I could see there being an attempt for her to run "independent" of the main Democrat ticket.
gmarie says
16 years ago
she won't do that... she's far too classy to drag it out like that
mrbill says
16 years ago
I think Obama would have saved this election had he dropped out months ago, and kept the party united.
gmarie says
16 years ago
very true! He might have been more accepted as VP - but I don't know how it'll turn out now... may be moving to argentina
thehawke says
16 years ago
oh please. She isn't leading the ticket for the simple fact that more people voted for Obama. (s_annoyed)
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