adv_blogshop says
14 years ago
looking for students to sell Unisex sneakers (shoes) to their friends.Every shoes you sold to your friend,you will get money.Interested?
latest #9
adv_blogshop says
14 years ago
if you are can mail me at [email protected] for more info. :-)
Vanessapple ~♫
14 years ago
Can I see how the sneakers looks like first?
adv_blogshop says
14 years ago
mail me,i'll mail you the pictures. :-)
Vanessapple ~♫
14 years ago
mailed :-)
14 years ago
Ya,i wn thepics too mail me. [email protected]
Baoyu♥ says
14 years ago
miie .
Baoyu♥ says
14 years ago
11 years ago
最近宣明智的 小三 風波越演越烈,大家生活上有沒有遇過 小三?|
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