Peggy Liu hates
14 years ago
~~I totally forget to order the train ticket from Hualien to Taipei on the New Year's Eve. Perhaps I will count down on the train.Q__Q
latest #6
cutiekc says
14 years ago
(cozy) 那新年來約個吃吃喝喝安慰一下囉~
14 years ago
Peggy Liu says
14 years ago
cutiekc: 好呀好呀~~我這個月應該胖不少!!><
Peggy Liu says
14 years ago
catregine: 親愛的~~收到你的卡片了!!我好感動呀~~謝謝!!*>///<*
dennis45tsai says
14 years ago
haha...good luck getting the ticket yo...hope there is still some left...merry x'mas
Peggy Liu says
14 years ago
dennis45tsai: thx~~merry x'mas!!*^^*
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