jessicajiajia says
14 years ago
i miss PCC... :-(
latest #16
14 years ago
u o built another pcc at spore thr la..... ^^
14 years ago
haha... diff de... pcc is owez our pcc...
jessicajiajia says
14 years ago
ya..where to find another PCC here?
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
dun woryy.... we are still connected... ^^
jessicajiajia says
14 years ago
but still cant join pcc's activity...
14 years ago
y miss pcc?? cz GOD 2gether wif us...... so......u o can build another pcc at thr... s long s our heart is connected, GOD wif us, thr's PCC~
14 years ago
jessicajiajia says
14 years ago
my house is jz like a christian house...i believe mun theng will trust in Jesus Christ 1 day...hehehe]
14 years ago
mun theng is ur roomate...??
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
good!!!!!!!!! jia you le~~~~~~ another christian house~~~~~ ^^
jessicajiajia says
14 years ago roomate
14 years ago
den i noe is who dy... saw her b4~~ ^^
VivIan says
14 years ago
thanks god we can stay together and can share and support each other^^
winniehuixian says
14 years ago
^ ^
14 years ago
感动,看到离开PCC的弟兄姐妹还好想念PCC.... 祝福你们。。。
14 years ago
that's gud to hav sumthing like christian's house thr.. shud add oil
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