According to my bank statement, in the past three months, I've spent $1,279 (and 38 cents).
With a total of $1,608.34 being deposited into my account. I spend too much, man.
wow, that's a lot of spending!
Holycrap! What did you buy? o_o
The only really big thing I bought was an iPod for $300. o_o
Honestly, the biggest thing I've noticed about working is that the money just GOES AWAY. Like, I don't recall spending all that much but all
of the sudden 1,000 is gone (over the course of about 6-8 months for me, though). It's just like what.
I totally know what you mean, lol. I don't even notice I spend so much, but now I think about it, I remember all those "small visits" to
the store that ended up costing about $20-$30 each time, lol. And I maybe might have wasted $60 on Pictionary Man the other day for no
point whatsoever. Haha. Sort of one of those, "OMG, I saw that on TV and now I want it." type of purchases.
makes similar purchases a lot.
gah, I know what you mean. And with the advent of online shops, I am getting very useless now with spending. Must be more mindful...
Whores are really expensive. I feel your pain.
It's still cheaper than dating.
add me as a friend please!!
bbshksh: I don't know. I have standards dude.
Tell me in 140 characters why I should consider your application for friendship.
matthewhughes Isn't the Twilight layout enough to accept her friendship?!
bbshksh: I would like to note that you used the wrong "your." "You're" would have been more appropriate. Matthew likes friends who use
bbshksh: The last part of that sentence doesn't even make sense... "he think he is so cool enough"?
are you mad??
I think you're missing some punctuation too.
Not to mention capitalization. O' dear.
^ He walks with a limp, but his lovely personality more than makes up for that!
you know im just 8 years old!!!!!!!!
Which makes the situation much more interesting than it should be.
yeah i know but i want plurk!!
You could easily get banned from this site. [Dramatic medical drama music.]
bbshksh: You're eight? Shit, that changes everything.
*uses breath freshener* bbshksh: Would you like a ride? A lollipop? A puppy?
what kind of username
bbshksh is anyway?
Oh I do
wonders 15 years ago
if I should report something.
How about a baseball bat? There's one in my pants.
(Except there's not. Because I'm a girl. Shame.)
I'd let you nail me in the ass in a second.
EdwardJPax: Did you catch the reference? You win several brownie points if you did.
Incidentally, the AoC in Spain is 13.
Okay then. When do we leave?
EdwardJPax: I really want to see it, as it's supposedly coming to Broadway soon. But there's no way my parents would let me go.
matthewhughes: Well let's see... I have driving lessons Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday work for you?
I want to take a ride on your disco stick.
Ah such a clever woman. How she wasn't famous until now is a mystery. She's practically a philosopher.
Anyone who can make an outfit out of Kermit the Frog deserves respect.
This is an amusing conversation, ngl.
Remember the old epic thread? I would go revive it, but it would take so long to get there.
I do enjoy this thread though. Lady Gaga and Bare? Epic win.
I've tried everything. I can't find the freaking plurk.
I know it was started by
honksfortonks but I have no idea what it was about
OH I FOUND IT. I have an audio recording of it. Let me listen and I'll search.
the audio file too.... I hope no one ever finds that.
Matt. I have a gift for you. Get on skype.