msskiv asks
15 years ago
#5: What is Atticus's definition of a hero? How is this definition different from what we are used to? What about your own definition?
latest #87
Bturk95 says
15 years ago
His def. of a hero is someone who knows he will be licked, but sees through to it rarely win, but sometimes you do.
Bturk95 says
15 years ago
It is different from our idea, b/c our idea of a hero is someone who just saves the day through brute strength and powers, somtimes smarts.
jcfarnzy says
15 years ago
his definition was that it was someone who would fight even if he knew he would lose
jcfarnzy says
15 years ago
we always expect our heros to win and barely try
marsbars13 says
15 years ago
his defination is sonmeone who goes through with something even though it could end badly
marsbars13 says
15 years ago
our def. is super powers and they always win
Sudzy22 says
15 years ago
his def. of a hero is even if you know you are going to loose to try helping people no matter what even if you dont like em
daaaisyyy says
15 years ago
atticus looks at heroes as people who will try for others, even though they know they will most likely fail.
daaaisyyy says
15 years ago
take atticus, for example. hes doing this tom robbb case cause his gut is telling him to. and its pretty clear to him that there is almost
daaaisyyy says
15 years ago
no chance hell win it. but hes doing it for tom. he would be a hero in his own book.
daaaisyyy says
15 years ago
and my definition of a hero ? storybook heroes, obvv. spiderman, superman, batman.
daaaisyyy says
15 years ago
all those "mans" with extraordinary powers that make them different than the general public and allow them to save other peoples lives.
Smthboy15 says
15 years ago
some body who stands up its not that far off from mine or what i am used to
andy3036 says
15 years ago
his def. is some one who does something he/she does not have to do, but does knowing that it could end very badly.
andy3036 says
15 years ago
im used to a hero being someone who save a living person, dog, cat etc.
Drewski says
15 years ago
some one who stands up for what they belive in no matter if ppl r on there side or not
milkmuffin says
15 years ago
someone who stands up for what they belive in
mikeoil says
15 years ago
Atticus's defination of a hero is someone that stands up for what they believe in and try even if you thinkin your gonna do baddd
MikustickusWOW says
15 years ago
his definition of a hero is standing up for wht u believe knowing wht could happen to you, but doing it anyway to prove a point
MikustickusWOW says
15 years ago
this is different from wht we're used to cuz when I think hero I think superman, or spiderman. not an actual, real person
MikustickusWOW says
15 years ago
my definition is to be unique and go againts the "crowd" or wht everyone else is doing. stand up for wht u believe
MikustickusWOW says
15 years ago
also, don't be the person ur expected to be, or should be. be YOU. think for urself, and care about others, but don't care wht they think
MikustickusWOW says
15 years ago
the only thing tht should matter to u is u. wht u think, wht u say, wht u do, how u act. ur not respondsible for anyone else but u.
MikustickusWOW says
15 years ago
and nobody Is respondsible for u.
Hannie11 says
15 years ago
atticus's def. of a hero is anyone who sticks with something they believe in no matter the consicuences
Hannie11 says
15 years ago
my def. of a hero is someone that does good deeds that can be looked up to in life
15 years ago
like his case, try anyway if u know you know u might lose. some say heros are people that are like superman or batman, others say its a
15 years ago
person that rescues a cat from a tree
devenlover99 says
15 years ago
you usuallt think of a hero like musciluar and strong that was not his def.
DRSTEVO23 says
15 years ago
his def is someone that knows when to loose,and to roll with the punches and go on with there life
DRSTEVO23 says
15 years ago
a hero to me is also when you know to stop or to stop something
clar5 says
15 years ago
his definition is trying even when you know you are going to lose
clar5 says
15 years ago
we are uswed to seeing a hero saving the day with his strength
clar5 says
15 years ago
my def is someone who is always there to help
rizzkid13 says
15 years ago
never giving up even though you might not succeed
rizzkid13 says
15 years ago
its different because we are used to heroes like superman using super powers to save the day
rizzkid13 says
15 years ago
my definition is similar to atticus's i think a hero is someone who never gives up and doesnt need an audience to do something right
Doomedmuffinz says
15 years ago
Atticus's definition of a hero is a person how knows the cons but follows thru withit.
Doomedmuffinz says
15 years ago
We are used to people with physical power but hes talking about mental.My definition of a hero is some who
Doomedmuffinz says
15 years ago
has no main reason to help someone but they do it anyway
MoebyWon says
15 years ago
He's definition is that its anyone who stands up for what they believe in.
MoebyWon says
15 years ago
Were used to someone that saves people.
MoebyWon says
15 years ago
my definitoin is some one who you can look up to.
MsRobertLosier says
15 years ago
Atticus's hero is someone who has has "real courage" someone who knows whats ahead of them but keeps going and doesn't quit no matter what.
MsRobertLosier says
15 years ago
We are used to someone who jumps in and saves the day and ultimately wins.
MsRobertLosier says
15 years ago
Atticus says "real courage" is keeping on going. You probably wont win but sometimes you can. His view is more realistic.
Carey32 says
15 years ago
His definition of a hero is somebody who fights for what they believe in, even if they knew that there was a chance at failing.
Carey32 says
15 years ago
That small chance of success, however, is what would make that person fight no matter what.
Carey32 says
15 years ago
We normally expect a hero to be the person that saves the without even trying! While in reality, the real heroes are the people
MsRobertLosier says
15 years ago
My type of hero is someone who can be different no matter what others say. Someone who can put on a smile just to make your life easier.
Carey32 says
15 years ago
that fight for what we believe in every day. Even when they aren't recognized.
kdubbz says
15 years ago
his definition describes a hero to be loyal to what is right while our definition is a cool kid who saves people
testiferthewaterboy says
15 years ago
atticus really sees a hero as someone who rises above and mine is a little different mine is someone who over comes and is nice to all even
testiferthewaterboy says
15 years ago
if they dont deseve it and im used to a hero being someone u idleaize like the jonas brothers
sunflowaa says
15 years ago
Atticus's definition of a hero is someone who knows that they most likely won't win but they keep going through it, and our definition is
sunflowaa says
15 years ago
like a super hero who saves people.
Kdibbles says
15 years ago
Atticus' definition of a hero is something who is going to help others even if he knows he might not succeed. It isnt like what we think of
Kdibbles says
15 years ago
He thinks of it as someone who helps others not has superpowers and can always save the day. Someone who alwaya tries
CanadianPat493 says
15 years ago
His definition of a "hero" is someone who knows that they are going to loose but they see it throught to the end.
CanadianPat493 says
15 years ago
Our definition about a "hero today in probably most people's eyes is a guy going around saving people in tights and does good and whatnot.
jferro4 says
15 years ago
he thinks that a hero is some one that knows when he does something wrong and still goes through it. our definition is some one that saves
CanadianPat493 says
15 years ago
Also we think as someone against as what we see as bad. But that left open for interpretation about what is bad and what is a "hero".
jferro4 says
15 years ago
somebody and i believe that a hero is some body who helps some body no matter what happened to them
CanadianPat493 says
15 years ago
Because if that is the case then we could say someone who puts out there trash is a hero or someone that does there homework is a hero.
CanadianPat493 says
15 years ago
But what I see as a "hero" is someone who is willing to stand up for there beliefs no matter what someone says.
CanadianPat493 says
15 years ago
But i dont me everyone who stands up for there beliefs is a hero like suicide bombers. we dont see them as heros but there countries do.
CanadianPat493 says
15 years ago
So that gets me back to saying should we praise someone for what we think is right.
msskiv says
15 years ago
that's great from everyone...everyone has a different definition.
msskiv says
15 years ago
atticus believes it's someone who never gives up, perseveres, even when the chips are down and the future looks grim
msskiv says
15 years ago
she was brave because she knew she'd die, but was determined to die on her own terms, by her many can really say that?
15 years ago
his def- was some one who does something even though they know they have a high chance to lose. mine is some one who does good deeds
matthenson says
15 years ago
his definition is someone who knows hes going to lose but fights anyway. its different because we think of heros as a role model
COD6snipertaz1 says
15 years ago
atticuses deffinition of a hero is a person who trys and does things for others and try hlping no looking for any benifits
COD6snipertaz1 says
15 years ago
we are use to super man and spiderman and he green lantern
COD6snipertaz1 says
15 years ago
my definitin is a person
COD6snipertaz1 says
15 years ago
who goes out of there way to help someone with there problems
Ehhmmazing says
15 years ago
Someone who does something that helps another out even though they "disagree" with it
Ehhmmazing says
15 years ago
We think a hero is someone who always just saves the day. I think it's someone who just does the right thing even when no one is watching
Strykedaddy says
15 years ago
atticus's def. of a hero is some one who voluntarly does the right thing knowing that he/she will be disliked or not talked to because of it
Strykedaddy says
15 years ago
we view a hero as some one like spiderman or superman some one with amazing superpowers and they always have people to save and a villian to
Strykedaddy says
15 years ago
catch. to me a hero is some one kind of like atticus. some one who knows that what they're going to do will probably be looked down upon by
Strykedaddy says
15 years ago
other people but helps that person because they know its the right thing and in the long run it will help them
zweigles says
15 years ago
atticuses definisoiun of a hero is someone that does the right thing
zweigles says
15 years ago
when we normally think of a hero we think of superheros athletes or the prsident
zweigles says
15 years ago
my hero is the bill quarterback trent edwards because he is fast strong and athletic
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