Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:19:45.000Z
oh tat why u nver go meet chanel haha take care kays
how you know i never go find chanel. and how you know i suppose to find chanel?
You go see her plurk you will know.
she say you fly her kite.
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:22:21.000Z
lols !!! she say she will meet u than u nver came she ask me go find her i was at Lim Chu Kang haha !! whr there no cab and buses
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:22:45.000Z
lols nelson will explain to her de la
Hahaha, nelson jialat liao.
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:23:55.000Z
lols yeah ... she calls u alots of times le she say .. haha
see she my plurk can liao.
HHAHAHAHA. nevermind la ! rest well !
haiz ZX why never go find her? later she in danger how?
haha thanks chanel
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:27:08.000Z
lols !!! LIM CHU KANG LEI ZZ there all forest .. walk out there no cab not buses zz how to go .. somemore she wun nids me de la hah a
nelson, hahaha. welcomezxs. my chair ah, v heavy you know :x
zixuan, everytiem also like that say, nv fail de lo.
ziixuzn there got something call for cab.
because what ZX said is true? D:
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:30:17.000Z
lols ... i asked all the cab dun wan to come .. wat can i do i waiting 4 my frenz father to come back is around 10 le ..
nevermind, eh go ask your friend for th keyboard leh ! he say is not true lorrrrr. not as if i got alot of flends t call on. zzz
Xuan! can ask TW, where to get good and cheap gaming keyboard. i do not have his no.
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:36:57.000Z
gaming keyboard ? haha ! u wan ah ?
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:41:32.000Z
wait ah .. gaming de or normal ?
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:43:15.000Z
gaming de go sim lim square there buy .. got these few types *logitec g15
*microsoft sidewinder x6
*or razer lychosa
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:43:43.000Z
these all is gaming .. if normal jus go popular or challenge can buy le
nope, is the O: girl want.
Zi Xuan
says 2009-12-12T16:51:30.000Z
lols !! enjoy during tat day than ..
i know you're not gonan text me anymore right.