Rcyan Em
14 years ago
... I hate being honest.
latest #9
ħȉÐḜϪ sinasabi
14 years ago
..its hard
Rcyan Em
14 years ago
yeah. i know. but sometimes, the words would just come out of your mouth and voila! you are doomed!
Rcyan Em
14 years ago
ħȉÐḜϪ sinasabi
14 years ago
yes..:-( but honesty always brings its rewards....:-))
Beeyankeemee sinasabi
14 years ago
mahirap talaga..
Rcyan Em
14 years ago
i know. but i must learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes. =j
ħȉÐḜϪ sinasabi
14 years ago
heheh:-)) thats true me too lot of the time :-P
lιlι Arkin lιl sinasabi
14 years ago
but why?
Rcyan Em
14 years ago
secret. =)
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