HearTheirEverywear thinks
16 years ago
it is funy that her kid has begun to quote whole lines from TV show commercials
latest #9
YankeeBelle says
16 years ago
lil B always stops and sings along with the Band aid commercials.
YankeeBelle says
16 years ago
and the Pull Ups commercials.
BlueMomma says
16 years ago
I can't believe you let you kids watch tv. I'd never let mine do that.....
HearTheirEverywear says
16 years ago
HearTheirEverywear says
16 years ago
she quoted a line form the teen drama GREEK "Don't look at the dress, look at me" and did the hand motion he does...
Kmom says
16 years ago
We were watching "Bee Movie" the other day and Miss P quoted the line where
16 years ago
Barry B. Bensons, says "Do we want to be slaves to the white man?!"
Kmom says
16 years ago
I nearly fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard! (s_LOL)
KRomi says
16 years ago
Peanut always qoutes movies, tv shows, songs...everthing
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