LYNNTAN! :D says
14 years ago
somebody said my voice like ahlian like that. damn sad. D:
latest #14
CLAIRE! says
14 years ago
hey, I find your voice very gentle! :-D
dionchewz says
14 years ago
What ? Claire do you even know her ?! LOL
CLAIRE! says
14 years ago
dionchewz says
14 years ago
OKAY , Lynn thinks Claire is her senior, Claire thinks Lynn is her senior . COOL MANZCXS .
CLAIRE! says
14 years ago
LOL. YEAH. so topsy. okayokay.
Baby~green~tea says
14 years ago
.... lynn i told u to chill! dont listen to others
musketeer says
14 years ago
no what! you say pardon somemore.
musketeer says
14 years ago
i can never get over the fact that you say pardon/
musketeer says
14 years ago
*. STUPID / and .
Baby~green~tea says
14 years ago
.......... lol?
CLARA:D says
14 years ago
hahaha, ah lian has strong voices. ITS A COMPLIMENT! :-D
Baby~green~tea says
14 years ago
...... lol
Baby~green~tea says
14 years ago
aiyoh jie dont listen to andrew la
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