Amylzp says
14 years ago
i guess you alr forget me as friend. Am i right?
latest #25
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
noo ~
Jia le says
14 years ago
havent i still remember u! lol
Amylzp says
14 years ago
Beth: Really meh. (unsure)
Amylzp says
14 years ago
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
YES ):
Jia le says
14 years ago
lol :-D of cus la! haha if u ever forget me i go find u! lol
Amylzp says
14 years ago
Beth: WHEN AM I SEEING YOU! Jealous leh, you got F9s now. ):
Amylzp says
14 years ago
Jia le: You know where to look for me meh!? LOL
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
2molo can ?
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
i 2molo bor school :-D :-D :-D ehh , F9 now .. haiis ~
Amylzp says
14 years ago
Beth: I want you to come my church for christmas celebration! I need to bring friends ): What happened?
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
ehh ? christmas cannot . remember ? i sms you told you liaoo .
Amylzp says
14 years ago
huhh... Sadded ): I tmr also got church stuffs leh. Meh~
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
ehh ? then how ?
Amylzp says
14 years ago
idk. Must arrange lor :-(
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
okokaes . then we`ll go to henderson wave :-D
Amylzp says
14 years ago
for picnic? LOL
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
for feeding the mosquitoes ? :-D
Amylzp says
14 years ago
kns. (annoyed) Lol. (LOL)
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
hahahahahahahahahahaha ~
Amylzp says
14 years ago
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
bu zhi dao lehs :\
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
my attachment starting soon :-(
Amylzp says
14 years ago
sigh :-( So hard to meet naoz. sad. Then next year leh, got same sch?
ElizabethLYP says
14 years ago
i hope i can make it :X
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